Trabajo Infantil

Páginas: 4 (873 palabras) Publicado: 7 de marzo de 2013
In grammar, an adjective is a 'describing' word; the main syntactic role of which, is to qualify a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified.[1]
Adjectives are one ofthe traditional eight English parts of speech, although linguists today distinguish adjectives from words such as determiners that formerly were considered to be adjectives

Descriptiveadjectives can be divided into different categories such as colors, sizes, sound, taste, touch, shapes, qualities, time, personality and ages. The following lists provide a few examples of descriptiveadjectives in each of their categories:

Colors are adjectives
Colors - examples: black, blue, white, green, red

Sizes - examples: big, small, large, thin, thick

Shapes- examples:triangular, round, square, circular

Qualities- examples: good, bad, mediocre

Personality Traits
Personality - examples: happy, sad, angry, depressed

Time related
Time - examples:Yearly , monthly, annually

Age related
Ages - examples: new, young, old, brand-new, second-hand

Sound related
Sound related - examples: loud, noisy, quiet, silent

Touch related
Touch related- examples: slippery, sticky

Taste related
Taste related - examples: juicy, sweet
Positive Adjectives

The positive adjective is the simple form of the adjective without expressing increase ordiminution of the original quality: nice. Adjectives expressive of properties or circumstances which cannot be increased have only the positive form; a circular road; the chief end; an extrememeasure.

Comparative Adjectives

The comparative adjective is that form of the adjective which expresses increase or diminution of the quality: nicer. Examples are older than or more expensive than orbigger than or faster than or taller than etc. Adjectives are compared in two ways, either by adding er to the positive to form the comparative and est to the positive to form the superlative. The...
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