Tu Mama

Páginas: 7 (1552 palabras) Publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2012
ISRMUN 2012 Instituto San Roberto

Committee: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Topic A) Methods to regulate and reduce illegal nuclear weapon trade world-wide.

I.Committee Background The International Atomic Energy Agency (also known as the IAEA) is the United Nations committee branch. It is in charge of all management and control of nuclear technology. It wasestablished in July 29, 1957 by the UN in response to the deep concerns to the discovery of nuclear technology and its results. Its headquarters are located in Vienna, Austria but has more than 2200 facilities throughout more than 90 countries. For its Director General Mr. Yukiya Amano holds the spot. The IAEA’s main goal is to establish world peace through the advancement of technology regardingnuclear power. It also tries to keep control of all transactions and trading of nuclear technology. Any movement of atomic engineering and nuclear power is monitored by the IAEA. The IAEA keeps a record of all the nations participating in the committee. In it there are all the key achievements for each specific country. Currently the IAEA has 152 active members who participates in the committee.Not only does the IAEA tries to establish peace worldwide but is also in charge of preventing and drilling emergency accidents. And so it is their job to ensure the safety and innovation of ways to respond to emergency accidents. As many committees the IAEA reports and lists all of the movements and information to the General Assembly and the Security Council. The five different departments insidethe IAEA are the Nuclear Applications, Nuclear Energy, Safety & Security, Safeguards and Technical Cooperations. These groups have develop many action plans such as PACT (Plan of Action for Cancer Therapy) and “Atoms for Peace”. II.Topic Information A)History Topic

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Since the early beginnings of the development of efficient ways to produce energy usingisotopes and atoms there has been exchanging of not only nuclear energy and technology but also weapons of mass

destructions, WMDs, such as nuclear bombs. According to the IAEA the transaction of nuclear technology is allowed meanwhile peaceful purposes are at chance. Any other movement is considered illegal and a rebellion against the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Even the very own exchange ofinformation between countries is illegal and can provoke serious trouble. Such treaties like the Non-Proliferation Treaty also see it as an act that might surge a war. Many countries are accused of trading nuclear weapons and information which is not recorded by the IAEA. These concerns began in the early 1900s after the US showed what nuclear power was capable of doing and has increased awarenessof this material falling in the hands of terrorists and criminals. After recalling the situation the IAEA established the Illicit Trafficking Database (ITDB) which began recording illicit transactions since 1993. It has recorded over 1000 illegal transactions and even 2164 incidents such as exchanging nuclear technology regarding stealing and dealing with nuclear criminals. B)Current IssueCurrently many nations have been capable of developing new ways to outsmart the IAEA and its different methods to track illegal nuclear criminal and nation transactions. Today, many nations are accused of performing such transactions and are considered a threat. However there are many nations that have access to trafficking due to other treaties and organizations. These are countries that are inside thenuclear business and have contributed a great advancements regarding nuclear technology. United States The US has had quite a remarkable record regarding nuclear technology and its uses. Held accountable for being the first nation to develop nuclear weapons and use them in warfare and showed the devastating damage it is capable of. It has 104 nuclear reactors and an estimated holding of 5113...
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