Tutorial opengl

Páginas: 669 (167142 palabras) Publicado: 13 de marzo de 2011
Jeff Molofee's OpenGL Windows Tutorials

Tutorial Index

The tutorials on this page may contain mistakes, poor commenting, and should not be considered the best resource to learn OpenGL from. What you do with the code is up to you. I am merely trying to make the learning process a little easier for those people new to OpenGL. If you are serious about learning OpenGL, you should spend themoney and invest in the OpenGL Red Book (ISBN 0-20146138-2) and OpenGL Blue Book (ISBN 0-201-46140 -4). I have the second edition of each book, and although they can be difficult for the new OpenGL programmer to understand, they are by far the best books written on the subject of OpenGL. Another book I would recommend is the OpenGL Superbible, although opinions vary. It is also important that youhave a solid understanding of the language you plan to use. Although I do comment the non-GL lines, I am self-taught, and may not always write proper or even good code. It's up to you to take what you have learned from this site and apply it to projects of your own. Play around with the code, read books, ask me questions if need be. Once you have surpassed the code on this site or even before, checkout more professional sites, such as Nate's Programming Page or OpenGL.org . Although Nate's site is inactive at the moment, it contains tons of excellent example programs, that are well written, and really show off what OpenGL is capable of. Also be sure to visit the many OpenGL links on my page. Each site I link to is an incredible asset the OpenGL community. Most of these sites are run bytalented individuals that not only know their GL, they also program alot better than I do. Please keep all of this in mind while browsing my site. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer, and hope to see projects created by yourself in the near future! One final note, if you see code that you feel is to similar to someone else's code, please contact me. I assure you, any code I borrow from or learn fromeither comes from the MSDN or from sites created to help teach people in a similar way that my site teaches GL. I never intentionally take code, and never would without giving the proper person credit. There may be instances where I get code from a free site not knowing that site took it from someone else, so if that happens, please contact me. I will either rewrite the code, or remove it from myprogram. Most the code should be original however, I only borrow when I absolutely have no idea how to accomplish something, and even then I make sure I understand the code before I decide to include it in my program. If you spot mistakes in any of the tutorials, no matter how tiny the mistake may be, please let me know. One important thing to note about my base code is that it was written in1997. It has undergone many changes, and it is definitely not borrowed from any other sites. It will more than likely be altered in the future. If I am not the one that modifies it, the person responsible for the changes will be credited.

Setting Up OpenGL In MacOS: This is not a tutorial, but a step by step walkthrough done by Tony Parker on how to install OpenGL and Glut under Mac OS. Tony haskindly ported the OpenGL tutorials I've done to Mac OS with GLUT. I hope everyone enjoys the ports. I know alot of people have asked for Mac ports so support Tony by telling him how much you enjoy the ports. Without his work converting the projects there wouldn't be a Mac port.

Setting Up OpenGL In Solaris: This is not a tutorial, but a step by step walkthrough

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Jeff Molofee'sOpenGL Windows Tutorials
done by Lakmal Gunasekara on how to install OpenGL and Glut under Solaris. Lakmal has kindly ported most of the OpenGL tutorials I've done to both Irix and Solaris. I hope everyone enjoys the ports. If you'd like to port the code to another OS or Language, please contact me, and let me know. Before you start porting, keep in mind that I'd prefer all the code to be...
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