Tv Vs. Values

Páginas: 8 (1909 palabras) Publicado: 24 de agosto de 2011
The Television and its effect on our kid’s values
Now and days television is a method of communication that penetrates many homes. No distinction exists, it penetrates to high and lower class; it integrates and compares images with us and because of this it becomes attractive to us. However, because it possesses these characteristics and because it is able to reach and mainstream thepopulation, it has become a good and bad circumstance. Given the quality of programming that it transmits, where it can’t control who is viewing at the other end, it is becoming a disturbing situation in relation to the issues and values that they are learning and transmitting.
This paper has given me the opportunity to learn the importance of the means of communication that are part of our lives andhow bad they are for us when they show everyday situations with images of violence, war, sex, race, alcohol and drugs. Violent acts that damage children, adolescents and adults are seen constantly in the media. Since the real values, lifestyle and the way that each person lives is driven by models of new values and types of behaviors, some of which are quite beyond the reach of most men. But many ofwhich can be imitated and exert direct influence on the behavior of each of us.
There is a very popular saying that states that children are like sponges, they absorb everything. During the first months babies can imitate expressions of their parents, grandparents or caregivers. Children learn how to eat, dress, go to the bathroom and how to communicate and interact with others because theirparents and the people that surround them are constantly showing them how to do these things that is why many great parents are advised to take care of their vocabulary. Children not only learn thru imitation but it is their first mechanism for learning. “It can be entertaining and educational, and can open up new worlds for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about differentcultures, and gain exposure to ideas they may never encounter in their own community”(K. Boyse, 2010). The same way that children imitate that surround them, it is logical that people imitate what they see on television or in movies.
Children are not the only ones who imitate the characters on the television but also many teenagers act the same way. In our daily lives it is common that we imitateothers in order to identify us with a special group while learning their ways. Quite often we hear stories about children whose life end tragically, by mimicking a character you have seen in the media such as a little boy who set fire to his house and caused the death of his sister after watching an episode that involved a similar situation and many more stories that are tragic but are true.Fortunately these accidents do not occur often, but they still occur.
Children don’t mimic everything they see on the television, most of them decide and choose what they want to mimic. So they have an option to what they want to learn. Regarding the effects of violence on children shown by the television, if mimic was the one and only form of learning, the TV guide today could predict tomorrow's news.Negative Effects of Television on Children
Violence on television and film are harmful to children. Years of research have concluded that exposure to high levels of repeated violence in the media taught to some children and adolescents to resolve conflicts with interpersonal violence, and many others to be different to that solution. Under the tutelage of the media and an increasingly earlyage, children are resorting to violence, rather than last, but as a first resort to resolve conflicts.
There is no doubt that repeated exposure to violence on television is one of the causes of aggressive behavior, crime and violence in society. Violence on television affects children of sexes, all ages and all socioeconomic levels and intelligence. These effects are not confined to this country...
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