verbos en ingles

Páginas: 3 (742 palabras) Publicado: 5 de marzo de 2014
Writing Exercise 1
My little sister is three years old.
His cousin has a new puppy.
The little boy in the corner is crying.
Three little girls are playing in the sand.
The children in my classare very happy.
Eight brown pigs were running down the road.
The ugly black cat ran up the tree.
Tommy’s older brother likes to play basketball.
The red broom is in the closet.
The boys and girlsin the dance club want
it ain't broke, don't fix it. I have heard that many times in my life ... and IT is true! I came from a non-English speaking home and my mother learned to read and speakEnglish at the same time as I. My learning came from the Dick and Jane Readers in the 50's. I struggled with reading because I had no re-enforcement at home. Today, as it has been for several decades,children are lazy (we create that) and they prefer videos other than books. Parents (the ones to blame), have disassociated themselves from parenting and have become their children's buddies and haveallowed the schools to become a daycare.
Choose the correct Word
1. what ___ your name.
a. is b. am c. are d. be
2. are you French.
Yes, I ___
a. is b. am c. are d. be
3. is your nameAllen.
Yes, ___ is.
a. she b. they c. it d. we
4. ___ they from here.
a. is b. are c. be d. am

fffffffffffffffffffffas relaciones pasan por etapas, unas mejores y otras peores,
a veces sentimos que nos alejamos de nuestra pareja y que el amor muere…
Y a veces...
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