Vida De Julio Cesar- En Inglés

Páginas: 2 (407 palabras) Publicado: 28 de diciembre de 2012
Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 12 100 BC. His marriage to Cornelia, the daughter of a noble, had drawn the ire of Rome's dictator, Sulla, who ordered the young Roman to divorce his wife orrisk losing his property. Caesar refused and found escape in the military, serving first in the province of Asia and then in Cilicia.

When Sulla died, Caesar returned to Rome to begin his career inpolitics as an advocate. When Caesar returned to Rome he began to work with Pompey, a former lieutenant under Sully, who'd switched sides following the dictator's death. Not long after, in 68 or 69 BC,Caesar was elected quaestor (a base political office) and then went to serve in several other key government positions under Pompey. As Caesar was cultivating his political partnership with Pompey,the astute leader was also aligning himself with Marcus Licinius Crassus, a Roman general and politician who had served valiantly during Sulla's rule. Caesar, Pompey and Crassus become allies and thispartnership among the three men came to be known as the First Triumvirate. Between 58 and 50 BC, Caesar conquered the rest of Gaul, up to the river Rhine. In 53 BC, Crassus was killed in a battle inSyria, then, the First Triumvirate finished.
Through a series of events, Caesar eventually went to war against Pompey, leading troops across the river Rubicon on January 11, 49 BC. With Pompeyfurther aligning himself with nobility, and the nobility increasingly seeing Caesar as a national threat, civil war proved to be inevitable.
There, Caesar aligned himself with Cleopatra, with whom he had ason, Caesarion. He stuffed the Senate with allies, and required the same body to grant him honors and titles. He was allowed to speak first at assembly meetings. Caesar's reforms greatly enhanced hisstanding with Rome's lower- and middle-class populations. But his popularity with the Senate was another matter.

Caesar's wish to include his former Roman enemies in the government helped spell...
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