Xfgb V

Páginas: 3 (583 palabras) Publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2012
Oxford High School | Chemistry |
| 2nd Evidence
Stage 1 Teacher: Luz Elena Martínez |

Emilio Vélez Ramírez 10 D #22 |

1. Main functions of:
It functions as acatalyst in photosynthesis and respiration.
It is a constituent of several enzyme systems involved in building and converting amino acids to proteins.
Copper is important in carbohydrate andprotein metabolism.
It is important to the formation of lignin in plant cell walls which contributes to the structural strength of the cells, and the plant.
Copper also affects the flavor, thestorageability, and the sugar content of fruits.
The mineral silicon is an essential mineral for the human body and has a primary function in helping develop and maintain the structural andfunctional integrity of the connective tissues and the skeletal system.Carbohydrate based compounds known as mucopolysaccharides form much of the "ground" substance or the material matrix of bone andallcollagenous tissues in the human body. Most of these compounds and chemical substances contain silicon as an essential component and the presence of this mineral is believed to aid in the formation ofall the vital connections between the compounds classed as mucopolysaccharides and the structural proteins.
Crude oil is the term that is used for the raw oil that is taken directly fromthe ground. It is the oil that is unprocessed for use. Another common name for crude oil is petroleum. Crude oil is a fossil fuel that is made from decaying plant matter that has been under pressurein the earth’s crust for many years. It is most often mined from sea beds and places that once held sea water. It ranges in color from clear to tar-black and can be thin like water or much thicker tothe point where it is almost solid. Here are some of the more common used of crude oil in the world today.
2. Elaborate a diagram that shows 2 examples of the relationship between: Biology,...
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