
Páginas: 5 (1181 palabras) Publicado: 2 de diciembre de 2012
Republic bolivariana of Venezuela
Department of the popular power for the education
U.E.N “Nicanor Bolet Peraza”
Year and section=4to ADM “C”


Teacher=OrquídeaFlore Cs,23/11/2012 Pupils=Leidys NogueraAlexander Morales
Front page-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Parts of thetypewriter-------------------------------------------------------------------4
Characteristics of the typewriter------------------------------------------------------5
Function of the typewriter--------------------------------------------------------------6

In the 19th century already the work had expanded in offices and the use of salesmen and holders of books in offices. All the documents were realized in manuscript form, for what certain correspondence in chain, for many addressees was a slow and tedious task, and it was unplugging a lot of timethe scribe.
But it was necessary much more to continue growing in the business world.
There was an inventors' half hundred that they were trying to achieve in different places of the world, during the XVIIIth and XIXth century, it forms a of escritura mecánica, but all the tests failed
Though it was supposed that there existed an English patent of 1714 of a machine of transcribing and stampingletters, really the first project known about typewriter was the “cymbal scribe " of Giuseppe Ravizza, of 1837 and patented in 1856

Parts of the typewriter
1= Line indicator 2= It rules to centre the paper
3= Guide of paper 4= Selector of space
5= Clutch of spaces 6= Prensapapel
7= Tape8=marginador
9= Liberating lever of paper 10= Liberating lever of car
11=car 12= Goatee of roller
13= Roller 14= Key of setback
15= Control you multicopy 16= Key insurance capital letter
17= Key of capital letter 18=Key for left margin
19= Space bar 20= Key
21= Tabulator 22= Key for right margin
23=Keyboard 24=Switch
25=Key of return of car 26=Lid

Characteristics of the typewriter
The typewriter ... *Tiene an alone format of letter *Solo can be written in capital lettersand small letters *Si you ekibocas in something is an almost irreparable mistake. *Utilizan ink *no use light *Son weighed and slightly hindering

Function of the typewriter
The principal function of a typewriter is to facilitate the reading of the writings to us, rapidity in the writing and in addition it is very economic.
The principal function of a typewriter is to facilitate thereading of the writings to us, rapidity in the writing and in addition it is very economic. Usefulness or Frequency of Use with Relation to the Satisfaction of the Need East technical object goes in direct proportion to the satisfaction of the need that goes in increase, because many persons have in his homes, schools uoficinas, as minimum a typewriter, instead of a computer for being more economic....
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