I'Robot Capitulo Liars.

Páginas: 20 (4878 palabras) Publicado: 20 de septiembre de 2012
Alfred Lanning, peter bogert, Milton Ashe and Susan Calvin sat around a table. Lanning, the director of U.S Robots, spoke first.
"The robot reads minds," he said. “We´re sure about that.
But we don´t know why." He looked at Bogert. “You´re the mathematician. You know how the positronic brains of robots are built. You explain."
"We´re talking about the thirty-fourth RB model of robot,"Bogert said." All the other RB models are normal."
Ashe frowned. He was the youngest officer at U.S Robots.
"Bogert. There he said. "I guarantee that."
"Do you?" Bogert said unpleasantly. "We have to complete 75,234 procedures when we make one positronic brain. And any of them can go wrong. We_______"
Calvin interrupted the math expert. "We need to discover exactly why it reads minds," shesaid quickly.
Lanning smiled. "That's true, Dr Calvin," he said. "We´ve made a positronic brain that can read minds. This could be the most is important robotic development. But we don´t know how this happened. And we have to find out."
"Maybe we shouldn´t tell anyone about RB-34," said borget. "We have to know how the robot can read minds.”We´ll keep his existence a secret, until we know whathappened."
“Bogert is right, “Calvin said.”If people hear about RB-34 ,and they know that we can’t control him ,they will protest .”
Lanning nodded.”Yes, I agree, “he said .He turned to Ashe.”You were alone when you discovered the truth about RB-34, weren’t you?”
“Yes, I was, Ashe replied.”After RB-34 was built ,the scientists sent him to me .I was taking him down to thetesting rooms –“He paused ,then continued .”I was thinking about something and he spoke to me about it .Then ,I realized that I hadn’t said anything! I took the robot into a room ,locked the door, and went to tell Lanning .That robot walked beside me and read my thoughts !It knew what I was thinking! It was frightening.”
“I’m sure that it was, “said Calvin .She looked at Ashe.”Weall believe that our thoughts are private.”
“Only the four of us know about RB-34,”said Lanning.”Sheri wants you to check everything. Check all the procedures that were completed when this robot was built.”
“That’s a lot of work,”Ashe replied.
“All the men in your department can help you,” said Lanning.”I don’t care how long it takes .But you mustn’t tell them why they are doing this work.”Lanning turned to Calvin.”You’re the robot –psychologist,”he said.”Study the robot .Find out how RB-34 behaves. His mind-reading must have affected him.”
Lanning did not wait for the robot-psychologist to answer.”I’LL work with Bogert and I’LL supervise all the mathematical test ,”he went on .Do you want to go and see RB-34 , Dr Calvin ?”.
But Calvin did not reply .She was watching Ashe,who had stood up and left the room.
Calvin entered the testing room .The robot looked up from the book that he was reading.
“I’ve brought you some science books, Hervie,”she said.”Do you want to read them”?
RB-34-named Herbie –lifted the heavy books from her arms and opened one .The psychologist watched Herbie ,” carefully ,as he read the three books. Thirty minutes later, he put themdown
“These books do not interest me,”said the robot.”There is a lot of data in your science .But there are only a few basic theories .The science is not advanced -- it is very simple .I am more interested in your stories – your books of fiction .I want to know more about emotions – humans feelings.”
“I think that I understand,”Dr. Calvin whispered.
“I can see into humanminds,” said Herbier.”I know what you are thinking .But human minds are complex .I cannot understand everything because my mind is so different .Your stories might help me .”
“You’ve read a lot of fiction,”Calvin said.”But real humans aren’t like people in novels . Don’t you think that real humans’ minds are boring?”
“No, I don’t!” said Herbier
Dr Calvin’s face...
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