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Páginas: 8 (1760 palabras) Publicado: 6 de noviembre de 2012
ADA law
Neshchadimov Maksym
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

The abstract
In this research paper I set a goal to analyze the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The aspects I consider the most important are the prehistory of situation with the defense of people with disabilities in the United States, adoption of the law, its structure and main paragraphs, reaction ofsociety, and subsequent fate of the law including amendments.

ADA law
The conditions of life of disabled people have never been joyful. Traditionally disability was considered as the defect which is not allowing the person to participate in ‘normal’ life. They couldn’t be valuable labor force and for a long time they weren’t supported by state, unfortunately, they were only a burden for theirrelatives. Disabled had similar civil rights, but they had not adapted for their needs infrastructure and favorable attitude in many vital aspects of life. Mostly, a person was isolated at home or in a special institution and cooperated with society a little. In the United States the first legal definition of disability was given after the Civil war, when many crippled soldiers returned. According tothe law on pensions for disabled participants from the Army of the Union, they received support proceeding from their "inability to do manual work". However, not all types of disability had equal attitude. Some disorders, which were branded as ‘shameful’, mental deviations and infectious diseases sometimes were considered unworthy of the help, and persons with such shortcomings werediscriminated. Protection of rights of disabled people became significant topic in the US policy since 60s. It was encouraged by other campaigns, for instance, in support of women’s right to vote and the civil rights of the African-American population. But only in late 80s were created necessary conditions for adoption of the law which should extend the rights of disabled person and make American society moreaccessible to people with disabilities.
The history of ADA adoption is an example of unusual support of the civil rights law by both rival parties. This document was considered very carefully by the Congress. The Senate held hearings about the bill 5 times, and in September, 1989 with 76 voices against 8 accepted the first version of the law. In the House of Representatives there were 20hearings, and this version was accepted by 403 votes in favor and 20 against in May 1990. After the two meetings called for the settlement of distinctions between versions, accepted by the Senate and the House of Representatives, the law ADA was adopted by the Congress with support of the vast majority of votes from both parties. Final vote showed that in the House of Representatives the ratio of pros andcons was 377 to 28, and in the Senate the United States — 91 to 6. As distinct from the Law on the Civil Rights, accepted in 1964, this law didn't face neither with opposition, nor with obstruction threat.
The ADA consists on the five titles: Employment, Public Services, Public Accommodations, Telecommunications and Miscellaneous. Title I prohibits discrimination of a qualified individual with adisability. Also it demands reasonable conditions for all applicants including, for instance, restructuring jobs, making work-sites and workstations accessible, modifying schedules, providing services such as interpreters, and modifying equipment and policies. This title also regulates medical examinations and inquires. According to Title II, public services cannot refuse to people withdisabilities or forbid them to participate in programs and activities that are available to people without disabilities. Moreover, public transportation systems must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Title III regards public accommodations including facilities such as restaurants, grocery stores, retail stores, hotels etc., as well as privately owned transportation systems and demands that...
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