Affirrmative Action

Páginas: 4 (954 palabras) Publicado: 23 de noviembre de 2012
Affirmative Action
To inform the audience about the importance of Affirmative Action, and its effects on society.
The Affirmative Action Debate
To inform the audience about the two sides of theaffirmative action debate, and the controversy it is causing.
Affirmative Action or AA has been a controversial policy in America for more than forty years. The idea of AffirmativeAction is to level the playing field so that minority groups can have the same opportunities as the majority groups. It seeks to create more opportunities by giving them special considerations in decisionsregarding to: hiring, firing, promotion, college admissions etc; in other words, in all the areas where usually minorities are unrepresented. Nonetheless, Affirmative Action is a controversial issuethat has lead to many debates about whether its qualifications are morally justified or not. While some argue that Affirmative action is reverse discrimination, and instead of eradicate it createsmore segregation, others contend that it is a remedy for discrimination, it contributes to the creation of an impartial society.
1. Affirmative Action, from the critics view.

a) MoralCritics of affirmative action
Affirmative Action uses discrimination to end discrimination. According to James Nickel, author of “Discrimination and Morally Relevant Characteristics”, states that “…somecharacteristics like race, creed or sex should be morally irrelevant”. In his view, these characteristics have been treated morally relevant over the years, and have resulted in injustices.

b)Preferential treatment and colorblindness, the injustice of Affirmative Action
Cindy Hook, in her article “Reverse Discrimination”, claims that AA programs discriminate members of a group in favor ofmembers of another group, because the ancestors of the latter were victimized in other times. This is what is being done today; preferential treatment is given on the basis of race or sex instead...
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