Alice In Wonderland

Páginas: 7 (1620 palabras) Publicado: 5 de noviembre de 2012
Narrador: Once upon a time in the hot gold summer day in London, a girl named Alice sat in a tree listening to her sister was reading a history book.
Hermana de Alicia: [Leyendo el libro de historia] "... The Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, and after a two-month sailing uncharted seas in the glorious morning of October 12, discovered the New World,Christopher Columbus. This event deeply moved to Europe, giving Columbus the glo ...”
Alice! Will you please pay attention to your history lesson?
Alice: Mmmm? I’m listening. I'm sorry, but how can one possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it?
Hermana de Alicia: My dear child, there are a great many good books in this world without pictures.
Alice: In this world, perhaps, but in myworld, the books would be nothing but pictures.
Hermana de Alicia: Your world? Huh! …Once more, from the beginning.
Alice: [Hablandole a su gato] That's it, Dinah. If I had a world of my own, everything would be what it isn't. You see?
Dinah: Meow.
Alice: In my world, you wouldn't say "meow." You'd say, "Yes, Miss Alice."
Dinah: Meow.
Alice: Oh, but you would. You'd be just like people, Dinah.And all the other animals too.
Dinah: Meow.
Alice: Oh, Dinah. It's just a rabbit with glasses-- and a watch!
Conejo Blanco: Oh, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
Alice: Now this is curious. What could a rabbit possibly be late for? [Lo empieza a perseguir ] Please, sir!
Conejo Blanco: I'm late, I'm late. For a very important date. No time to say hello.Goodbye. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.
Alice: [mirando a través de la cerradura de la puerta] There he is! I simply have to go through.
Puerta: Sorry. You're much too big. Simply impassable.
Alice: You mean impossible.
Puerta: No, impassable. Nothing is impossible.________________________________________
Alice: [Bebe de la botella que dice: “Drink me”]Mmm... tastes like cherry tart. [Sin saberlo, se encoge a la del tamaño de la mesa; toma otro sorbo ]Custard. (Custard:CREMA) [se encoge de nuevo, apenas sosteniendo la botella, toma otro trago] Pineapple. [se encoge tanto, ella es ahora incluso más pequeño que la propia botella y luchando con su peso] Roast turkey. (PAVO ASADO) - [finalmente consciente del efecto de la poción] Goodness! [incapázde soportar por más tiempo la botella, se resbala y la botella cae, la etiqueta "Drink Me" la cubre por completo] What did I do?!
Puerta: [chuckles] You almost went out like a candle!
Alice: [runs up to the Doorknob; delighted] But look! I'm just the right size!
[She's about to open the door, but the Doorknob pulls away.]
Puerta: No use. [laughs] I forgot to tell you. I'm locked!
Alice: Ohno!
Puerta: [stops laughing] But of course, you've got the key, so-
Alice: What key?
Puerta Now, don't tell me you've left it up there?!
[A key magically appears on the table Alice can no longer reach.]
Alice: Oh dear! ________________________________________
 ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Tweedledee: If you think we are lying, you can pay you now
 Tweedledum: If you you think that we aren’t lying,you have to speak to us.
 Tweedledee, Tweedledum: That’s logic.
 Alice: Well it’s been nice meeting you. Goodbye.
 Tweedledee, Tweedledum: You beginning backwards. You first in the greeting is a [Cantan juntos] How you do? We shake hands, we shake hands, we shake hands. How you do? We shake hands, we shake hands, we shake hands and then you say yourname.
 Tweedledee, Tweedledum: That’s main!
[Aparece caminando el Conejo Blanco y no tiene el reloj]
 Conejo blanco: ¡ Mariana! What are you doing here?
 Alice: ¿Mariana?
 Conejo blanco: Don’t do anything, stand there. ¡No, no! ¡Come on, bring me my watch! ¡come on! ¡Hurry up! ¡I’m late!
 Alice: ¿Late for what? That’s what I wanted…
 Conejo blanco: ¡My watch!
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