Aplicación Internacional

Páginas: 8 (1852 palabras) Publicado: 25 de diciembre de 2012

The Leadership Institute
Morton C. Blackwell, President

International Internship

SECTION I — Contact Information Date: __06/02/2012 __
First Name: Jose Middle Initial: A Last Name: Goytia
Home Address: 0343 Calama Street, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Home Phone: (591)4-4500027 Work Phone: (591) 4-4582727
Cell Phone: (591) 72701535 (Bolivia) - (903) 830-0376 (USA) Date of Birth: June/11/1987
E-Mail Address: josegoytia@hotmail.com
Occupation: Lawyer
University Attended/Year of Graduation (if applicable): Universidad Mayor de San Simon 2009
Field of study: Law Sciences
University degree(s) earned: Bachelor Law Degree inJudicial Sciences
Typing speed: 49 words per minute Computer software familiarity: Microsoft Office
Languages spoken and written fluently: Spanish, English
Specifically, when would you be available to begin an internship? September 2012
How long would your internship last (3 months minimum / 4 months maximum)? 4 months
How did you hear about the Leadership Institute’s InternProgram? Internet

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SECTION II — Short Answer Questions

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences (use additional paper if necessary):

I. Your Internship

1. Most internships, even those at the Leadership Institute, often entail a fair amount of clerical
(office) work. Are you prepared to work in this capacity during yourinternship?

Yes, I’m prepared. I had full time clerical work in a law firm, and frequently with extra hours.

2. What are you hoping to achieve through an internship in the United States?

I would like to acquire political experience and political knowledge as much as possible

3. Specifically, why are you interested in an internship at the LeadershipInstitute?

Besides the conservative ideology that the leadership Institute teaches, this institution gives training schools, workshops and seminars; all focused in the political practice that i´m interested in .

4. What are your professional goals in the next 10 years?

End all my studies in the US and go back to my country Bolivia. Continue on my lawyer career and keepworking in the political wrestle against the socialism in my country.

The Leadership Institute attempts to place interns in areas which reflect their career interests. Please indicate the work area(s) in which you have interest, talent or skills. This does not guarantee a placement
in a particular department:

[pic] Administration [pic] Education/Training θLayout/Graphic Design
[pic] Broadcast Journalism [pic] Political Activism [pic] Information Technology
[pic] Print Journalism θ Fundraising [pic] Public Relations
[pic] Event Planning θ Job Placement Services θ Research/Writing

II. Public Policy

1. What one public policy issue in your country is the most important to you?

National Economy, becauseBolivia is one of the poorest countries in South America

2. If you had the power to do so, how would you change public policy in your country?

The first and most important step is to improve public schools in all levels. Education should be the first concern in public policy. Then start to make National Economy plans focused in the society reality, such as industry,resources exploitation, foreign inversion, etc.

Page Three

3. Name one political leader or philosopher whom you greatly admire. Victor Paz Estensoro
Why do you admire this person?

He was the leader of the most important revolution in Bolivia. Giving rights to every person in the country. Before him, women and native indians...
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