
Páginas: 2 (316 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2012
1. Suppliers and partners: key types of suppliers, partners, and collaborators.
* Key types of suppliers

* Supplier of fabrics: Fabrics companies specializing in differenttypes of fabrics points
* Supplier of machinery: Compactors, Hangers / Cardas, Grinders, Hidroextractoras, Openers, Branches, Dryers, dyers.
* Supplier Texmoda peru: Thread, buttons,scissors, needles and so on.
* Supplier stampertex: Printed and embroidered.

* Collaborators
* Financial partner: Municipal savings, Banks, CrediScotia
* Business partner: Is the oneresponsible for contacting clients and seek new customers.
* Employees

* Partners
* Investor: Family

2. Role that these suppliers, partners, and collaborators play in theproduction and delivery of the key products and customer support services.
* Supplier of fabrics: Is the one responsible for providing all the necessary fabrics for confeción, processing and proucciónof clothing. For specific items to school, our supplier already has a delivery schedule and quantity according to the requirement.
* Supplier of machinery: The supplier of machinery, mostlymanenimiento we can arrange, and when required machinery provides us, as proyecado growth for the next 2 years "LUANDE" about going to require about 10 machines of different functions.
* SupplierTexmoda peru: This provider is responsible to supply us with necessary utensils and clothing manufacture of clothing, often mind, the supply of these items every two weeks
* Supplier stampertex: Thisprovider is responsible for printing and embroidery for garments because "LUANDE" does not have the machinery to make these types of jobs, and this company provides this service we are specialists inembroidery and prints.

3. key mechanisms for communicating with suppliers, partners, and collaborators
He seeks "LUANDE" is to strengthen its relations with its suppliers, employees and...
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