Badas De Sangre

Páginas: 2 (472 palabras) Publicado: 17 de febrero de 2013
“To Sleep Under the Stars “
By Carol Shaw Graham

In “To Sleep Under the Stars “by Carol Shaw Graham introduces to Cecilia, a seventh grade middle school student. In this story Cecilia has astrong desire to go to the Bay City Planetarium with her class. However, her mom does not allow her permission to go. She is unable to attend because it is her family’s turn to take care of her grandma.Even though Cecilia makes up a number of excuses, she is still required to go to grandma’s house. In “To Sleep Under the Stars “by Carol Shaw Graham shows readers that family and scarifies areimportant. In the beginning of the story, Cecilia is selfish after challenging her mom about the trip Cecilia walks away to the porch and she, “flopped into a chair and gave herself up to self pity.” She isupset about her conversation, and is working hard to get her way Even after her mom says no, Cecilia insists , she says “But mom , everybody’s going .” Cecilia is only thinking about herself, andcould not care any less about grandma. While in the car on the way to grandmas, Cecilia ignores the gorgeous land scope and small towns. She continues to think about the trip. Clearly, Cecilia thoughtabout herself. Towards the end, however Cecilia has a change of heart. She becomes kind. Cecilia starts to be respectful to her grandma because Cecilia helps her grandma stand up. Cecilia couldhave not cared and not helped her grandma, but instead Cecilia showed respect to her grandma. Cecilia and her grandma walked to her grandma’s bedroom together. This shows she is being nice tograndma. Cecilia wrapped her arms around grandma. “Oh, Grandma, Thank you!” she said.” I’m so glad I came to see you, and I’ll love the quilt forever.”Now that she spends time with grandma she’s happy.If I were Cecilia, I would have been nice and respectful to my grandma. I would have been nice because I would like my grandma to know that I’m showing love to her, and that I’m being respectful....
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