Classification Essay

Páginas: 2 (475 palabras) Publicado: 9 de noviembre de 2012
Choosing a School

I. When Argentinean children reach the age to start going to school, their parents can choose whether to send them to a state or to a private school.

II. One ofthe alternatives that parents have when their children reach the age to start going to school is to send them to a state school.

B. Curricular area
C. Uniforms

Some parents prefersending their children to a state school because of these three main characteristics, but especially because of the reduced fee.

III. Other alternative that parents have when their children reachthe age to start going to school is to send them to a private school.

A. Private Religious
B. Private Bilingual

Because of the services that it offers, other parents prefer sending their childrento a private school.

Choosing a School
Education is the process of teaching and learning aimed at developing knowledge and skills, especially imparted in schools. For that reason, it is veryimportant for parents to choose the best school for their children. In Argentina all children between the ages of four and seventeen have to go to school by law. When Argentinean children reach the age tostart going to school, their parents can choose whether to send them to a state or to a private school.
One of the alternatives that parents have when their children reach the age to start going toschool is to send them to a state school. State schools are financed by the Argentinean government, so those who attend them have to pay a reduced fee. State schools curricula include Science,Mathematics, Languages, Art, History, Sport and Geography. The uniforms in state schools look like white laboratory coats and are worn over everyday clothes. Some parents prefer sending their children to astate school because of these three main characteristics, but especially because of the reduced fee.
An other alternative that parents have when their children reach the age to start going to...
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