Cmc: Attended Reproduction

Páginas: 7 (1507 palabras) Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2013
Group 6: atended reproduction.

Infertility and sterility (cannot have a baby)
In some areas both terms are used as synonyms to define couples with problems in having a child, but medically speaking there is a clear distinction:
-INFERTILITY: this term refers to the biological impossibility of carrying a pregnancyto term. We can differentiate two types:
1-.Primary infertility: The couple has never been able to have a baby.
2-.Secondary infertility: is when, after having a healthy child, a couple does not achieve a new gestation leading to the birth of another healthy child.
-STERELITY: this term refers to the inability of a person to contribute to conception. We can differenciate two types:1-.Primary sterility: when a couple, after a year of sexual relations without contraceptive measures, have not achieved pregnancy.
2-.Secondary sterility: is when a couple, after having a first child, does not achieve a new pregnancy after two or more years of trying.
-FEMALE INFERTILITY: 40% of the cases of infertility and sterility in couples. For example: the advanced age of the mother.-MALE INFERTILIY: 40% of the cases of infertility and sterility in couples. Genital tract disorders and alteration in semen production.
-OTHERS: 20%
Almost all couples, both heterosexual and homosexual, once established the relationship; they end up wanting a child. Couples made up of men cannot raise it naturally. They will have to resort to a surrogate mother (madre dealquiler) or to adoption. However, the couples formed by two women can consider attended reproduction with sperm from a donor (donante).
We may wonder why, if a couple cannot have a baby, they do not adopt a child. It’s usually for economical reasons. Adopting a child from another country costs around 16.000€. For example, adopting a child from China costs around 11.000€, a Russianchild 21.000€, and a child from Nicaragua 13.500€. However, IVF treatment costs around 4,000 euros and a treatment of artificial insemination costs around 1.000 euros.
--There are also cases of single women and single men who want to have a child without a partner (most common are single mothers) – Families with genetic diseases that may be transferred to the children—Parents that wantto chose some characters of the children—Babies born to save his brothers (medicament baby)
Now we are going to talk about types of attended reproduction that we can find. Firstly we are going to tell you the meaning of attended reproduction:
Attended reproduction technology (ART) is a general term referring to methods used to achieve pregnancy by artificialmethods.
There are two principal types of attended reproduction, which are:
* The in vivo reproduction, that can be made in three ways: The first one is the Programed intercourse (coitos), that consist in planning the time when the coitus is done for assuring the possibility of being pregnant: The second one is the natural cycle, which consists on following the natural process but withcontinually vigilance of sanitary experts, and the third one is the ovulation induction, which consist on supplying substances to speed up process of ovule production and try to assure the pregnancy.
* The second section is the in vitro fecundation, with two principal types inside: The IVF, or in vitro fertilization, the ICSI or introcytoplasmatic sperm insertion, and the artificial insemination.* -The IVF is a complicated process: firstly, the woman takes fertility drugs to stimulate her ovaries and produce more eggs which are fertilized outside the mother’s body and after a few days they are implanted in the uterus to cause a pregnancy.
* -The second technique, named ICSI involves injecting a single sperm into the egg. It is used when the number of sperms of the male is loud....
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