Columbus Day

Páginas: 3 (675 palabras) Publicado: 6 de marzo de 2013

1. When is it celebrated?
Columbus Day celebrates on 12th of October.

2. What do we celebrate on this day?

Columbus Day is meant to commemorate Oct. 12, 1492, the day whenthe Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, sailed from Spain and ‘‘discovered” the Americas.
3. History and origins.
On August 2, 1492, Columbus set sail in search of the East Indies. The voyage wasfinanced by Ferdinand and Isabella by making the city of Palos pay back a debt to the crown by providing two of the ships, and by getting Italian financial backing for part of the expenses. The crownhad to put up very little money from the treasury.
Columbus and 90 crewmen boarded the three ships that were to make the first voyage to the New World, the Niña, Pinta, and the flagship, SantaMaria. On October 12, 1492, Columbus first saw the islands of the new world, landing in the Bahamas. Later in the month, he would sail to Cuba, and to Hispaniola (now Haiti). He thought he had reached theEast Indies, the islands off Southeast Asia.
Columbus Day in the United States
The first Columbus Day celebration took place in 1792, when New York's Columbian Order–better known as TammanyHall–held an event to commemorate the historic landing's 300th anniversary. Taking pride in Columbus' birthplace and faith, Italian and Catholic communities in various parts of the country began organizingannual religious ceremonies and parades in his honor.

4. Traditions and customs.
In many parts of the United States, Columbus Day has evolved into a celebration of Italian-American heritage. Localgroups host parades and street fairs featuring colorful costumes, music and Italian food. In cities and towns that use the day to honor indigenous peoples, activities include pow-wows, traditionaldance and lessons about Native American culture.
5. Personal opinion.
This date is very important to point out in the schedule, either a Latinoamerican, or Spanish, as it is one of the most...
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