Como Perder Grasa Abdominal

Páginas: 3 (703 palabras) Publicado: 14 de septiembre de 2011
Surefire Ways To Beat Belly Fat

Eat Every 2-4 Hours And Be Sure To Eat 5-7 Small Meals Daily

Eating smaller meals more frequently is a surefire way to boost your metabolism and create athermogenic effect inside the body. By combining lean protein with the correct types and amounts of green leafy vegetables, good carbs, and fats at the right times, you will super charge your metabolism andturn your body into a 24-7 fat burning machine. Of course the macronutrients will vary from person to person.

Always Eat Before You Are Starving

This just re-emphasizes rule number 1. If youwait until you are absolutely starving to eat, you will most likely end up overeating, or hitting up a corner store or drive through joint and regretting it later. I also never, ever, ever buy foods thatare tempting. If you keep foods like cookies, cakes, and chips out of the house and office you will be less likely to cheat and blow your diet.

Eat Breakfast

This is the most important meal ofthe day. This will give your metabolism a daily jump start and keep your fat loss efforts on track all day.

4. Don't Buy Foods That Are Tempting

Keep foods like cookies, cakes, frozen pizzas,and more out of the house. You will be less likely to cheat this way

5. Prepare Your Meals In Advance

By planning your meals in advance, you will have prepared healthy food to eat throughout theday and be less likely to grab something unhealthy if you get a food craving. To make things easy, it is best to take one day of the week (typically on the weekend) and prepare all of your meals forthe week.

Shop The Outside Isles Of The Supermarket Instead Of The Middle Isles

Most of the fatty, processed, junk foods are kept in the middle isles.

7. Drink At Least 80-100 Ounces OfWater Daily

Since our bodies are over 70% water, drinking water is essential for optimal health. Water helps prime the body for fat loss, as well as flush out harmful toxins. Not drinking enough...
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