Concepto De Hegel Y La Historia

Páginas: 3 (546 palabras) Publicado: 27 de septiembre de 2012
Describe Hegel’s concept of history. In what way does Moxey argue that Hegel’s concept of history and nineteenth century nationalism depend on each other and underlie the formation of art history asan academic discipline.

For Hegel history is made from a number of events that occurred during the past and he assumes that these events succeed each other by a logical progression that thehistorian has to describe. As in history, the events occur in art history in this logical way, but instead of being represented by acts and fact they are characterized by their style.
The Hegelianconsideration of history is composed by narratives which are selected in a purposive way to support the nationalism of a people (one of the bigs concerns in Europe during the nineteenth century).
ForHegel, it is the historian who has to look themselves in the history to take out the narrative. In other words, in history and in the events that occurred during the past there are hidden narratives thatare discovered by the historian. Moxley called this way of looking at history “teleological historicism” .
For Hegel the facts are attached to a main historical moment: the spirit of the age, fromwhich all the other events or cultural elements of this moment lie. This is what is called “Hegel’s wheel”: the hub takes the place of the historical moment and the spokes represent all the other facetsof culture (art, literature, etc.)
So, we could say that Hegel’s concept of history is that all the historical events or demonstrations, from politics to religion passing through art or philosophydepend on each other. All together they constitute the different manifestations of an unique development which is that of the spirit of the people.

The nineteenth century is known as the time ofnationalism (or nationalisms), ideology which began alongside the concept of nation at the end of the eighteenth century and matured during the nineteenth. The people search to affirm themselve and...
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