
Páginas: 2 (315 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2012
I will PARK
She will ______
They will ______

I am going to PARK
She is going to _____
They are going to _____

I will be PARKING
She will be_______
Theywill be______

I will have PARKED
She will have_____
They will have______

I will ______
She will ______
They will ______

I am going to
She is going to _____They are going to _____

I will be
She will be_______
They will be______

I will have
She will have_____
They will have______

To advise _ aconsejar
To Allow_ permitir
To lend_ prestrar
To borrow _ tomar prestado
To become _ comvertice o llegar a hacer
To choose-_ elejir
To forget-_ olvidar
To be - _ ser/estar
To finish/ to end- _ finalizar/ terminar
To believe- _creer
To think- _ pensar/creer

No, yo no me casaré una segunda vez
* No, I will not marry a second time
¿Usted, si?
* Will you?
* Would you?
* I guess not
* I think, I wont* No, I guess, I would not marry again
No, yo no me voy a casar mientras estoy estudiando.
* No, I am not going to marry while, I am studying.
¿Porque nadie cree en mi?
* Why nobodybelieves in me?
* Does anybody believe in me?
* Does somebody believe in me?

Enunciados afirmativos

Nobody: nadie
Somebody: alguien
Anybody: cualquiera

No one: nadie
Someone: alguienAnyone: cualquiera/alguien/nadie

* There is somebody outside.
-Hay alguien afuera
* Is there somebody/anybody outside?
-¿Hay alguien afuera?
* There is nobody/no one
-Hay nadieafuera
* There isn’t anybody
* No hay aguien
* No hay nadie
Nothing: nada
Something: algo
Anything: algo/nada

There is something in the bucket---------Hay algo en la cubeta

Is thereanything in the bucket? --------- ¿Hay algo en la cubeta?

There is nothing in the bucket ----------Hay nada en la cubeta

There isn’t anything ----------------------No hay algo/ No hay...
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