Creer Y Pensar

Páginas: 6 (1281 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2013
Jose Ortega y Gasset was born May 9th, 1883 in Madrid, Spain. He then passed away on October 18th, 1955 in the same place, at age 72. He was a Spanish liberal philosopher as well as an essayist, mostly noticed during the second half of the 20th century. A big highlight of his career was his teachings at the University of Madrid from 1911 to 1931. His writing was influence by Neo-Kantianism, butlearned how to diverge and create his own separate types of work. I had read his work Creer y Pensar, and was quite interested throughout the whole piece of writing. From the name itself a reader can start to question what the essay or writing will be about, and in this quite it did a great job in stirring up suggestions. The work itself is about ideas and beliefs, and the way it has an impact onsociety as well as one’s self. Ideas are the fundamentals of everything you can see as you look around, which is what makes this essay such a piece of art. The essay is constructed in such a way that is straight forward, supplying the readers with much information that is important and crucial to read about. The sentences and paragraphs flow well enough so that it is fully understandable, and doesnot extend onto a topic that seems to jump the gun. I personally believe that this essay is a perfect example of giving information and informing someone on their personal ideas.
The main idea in this test (essay) is broken up into three main pieces of writing. The first is about ideas and beliefs, followed by the way our generation perceives these topics, ending with doubts about our ownthoughts. The first section really gives us a sense of who we are, why we think of the ideas we do, and what it means to think of that idea. Ideas are essential to keeping the lifestyle of every person moving. It shows our intellect, our knowledge, and the creativity we have just by simply saying our opinion on anything. I really enjoy this portion of the essay because it lets me think deeper intowhat a simple thought is, and how I can use it to think about someone else’s thoughts. It is amazing to really notice how important and crucial an idea is to the past, present, and even the future. The second concept is more along the lines of how embarrassment is brought upon us for sometimes not thinking hard enough or ignoring the idea of another one’s work. We tend to not think deeper insidethe box, and find another person’s idea irrational, and that is what kills this generation to this day. This, as well as the other two main pieces of his test is important to read about and try to understand. If it wasn’t for essayists like Gasset, most of the writing we have today would have little meaning and a terrible conception. The third piece of his test is about the doubt us people havewhen thinking about an idea, or listening to another’s. What makes this piece one of the most important in the whole essay, is that it is seen everywhere you turn. Any person can relate to this underlying topic, and if not, then they are more than likely doubting you, as well as everyone else’s ideas. This essay really helps me understand Gasset as a person and focus more into his conscious andthoughts. He is a writer who tried to look beyond the curtain and help us people function. He took a simple topic that is just “there”, and re-constructed into one of the biggest pieces of work as an author. Without essayists like him, how would most authors be where they are today? Originally pieces of work were nothing more than straight forward and bland writing, but as the year’s progressed and newessayists and writers contributed to the world of writing, more thought was beginning to be incorporated. As seen in Gasset’s work, he described and related people to his writings in a way that I, as well as other readers can imagine deeper. I began to read his essay as just another piece of writing, but as I began to get deeper into his concepts and work, I really started to think more than I...
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  • ortega y gasset : creer y pensar.

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