Crisis En España 2007-2010 Inglés

Páginas: 37 (9175 palabras) Publicado: 2 de junio de 2012

The deterioration in the labor market in the last three years had been forced to adaptemployment policies to try to respond to needs and problems market work, particularly given the rapid and intense growth in the number of unemployed what has been a huge challenge for employment policies in this period.
At first, they focused on protecting the unemployed, but as the monthspassed and the labor market situation worsened, it became higher need for the active employment policy also provides answers to needs to improve the employability and employment of the unemployed and coverage for job offers from companies.
On this basis, the contents of this section includes, initially, the balance of the year in relation to instruments that are part of active employment andmediation, in particular, development and management of employment and training pointing out the major developments that have occurred in 2010, to discuss then the adequacy of measures taken in addition to the regions in response to the jobs crisis. This will be discussedalso from the perspective of spending on active labor market policies emphasizingthe need to reorganize the resources among the variousmeasures. Finally, as areflection, dealing with the role to be played by active policies in the recoveryemployment, which has led to a structural reform them, to evidence that its design and organization were inadequate to meet the labor market needs.With respect to policies to protect the unemployed, although references will be madespending in this chapter in all employment policies and some yearregulatory developments, including those that are part of the reform package powered by the Social and Economic Agreement, the detailed analysis of policies protection is made in Chapter III of this Report, set in the field of social protection.

Balance of year.
In line with the modernization of Public Employment Services (PES), an objective already collected in Law 43/2006, in recent yearsthere have been various initiatives aimed at facilitating the mediation has been seeking greater labor efficiencymanagement of it by the SPE. To this end, and in October 2009 launched the web portal redtrabaj@ as network public employment services in Spain. This site is designed in a manner consistent with other existing public and private sites, allowing use them Further, for which they have signedseveral cooperation agreements to in 2010.Also, because he had not progressed as expected in relation to the modernizationpublic services, something that had been demanding in recent years, some provisions of Royal Decree Law 3 / 2011 referred to reform of active employment policies, try to delve into that goal. Of Indeed, this standard recognizes that employment services should become the besttools for managing human capital and hence the need to strengthen them. During 2010, changes were also made in regulating the role of agentsinvolved in the labor market and its scope, highlighting the importance of public-private partnerships in job placement and management of active employment policies. Thus, the Law 35/2010 included various measures in the field of mechanisms job placementopportunities to promote access to employment and part of the unemployed. It was recognized that labor mediation should qualify as a public service regardless of the user, and in this regard was necessary to initiate an opening to the public-privatewhile preserving and strengthening the central role of the PES. With this aim, alter the system of employment agencies to provide entry to employmentagencies for profit in the job placement in line with the latest standards and criteria of the InternationalWork in this area. The centrality of public employment services on of these agencies is ensured by the requirement of administrative permission for the development of their business, and associates the configuration of such services as sign cooperation agreements with them and in any case, for...
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  • Ingles españ

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