Curriculum Vitae

Páginas: 2 (292 palabras) Publicado: 22 de febrero de 2013

Of inquiry are letters seeking different kinds of information or giving it. These letters are easy to write if the writer knows what he wants and expresses himselfsimply clearly.
An inquiry letter should produce effective result if it has the following:

1. Know exactly what you need, that is, what your need is.
2.State your inquiry in simple language.
3. Arrange individual items in a list, so the reader can check off each item and give precise adequate information.
4. If your inquiry isbased on an advertisement, give name and issue date of the publication.
5. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope, when the reader is not likely to gain anything by answeringyour inquiry. If there is a possibility that he will profit by receiving an order, or in any other way, it is not necessary to provide a return envelope.

REPLIES TO INQUIRY LETTERSRequest of catalogs, brochures or similar materials are often mailed with brief notes with the printed matter. Some inquiries require considerable gathering of data. Extensive repliesfrequently verge on sales letters. The companies use such opportunities to sell products or services. Usually whoever writers a letter of inquiry is likely to be a potential customer.CARTAS DE SOLICITUD
Las cartas de solicitud son aquellas que buscan diferentes tipos de información o la proporcionan. Estas cartas son fáciles de escribir si el redactor sabe quequiere y lo expresa con sencillez y claridad. Una carta de solicitud debe producir resultados selectivos si contiene lo siguiente:
1. Saber exactamente lo quenecesita, es decir, cual es su necesidad
2. Establecer su solicitud en lenguaje simple
3. Organizar lo artículos individuales en una lista, de manera que el lector pueda,
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  • Curriculum Vitae

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