
Páginas: 2 (300 palabras) Publicado: 17 de noviembre de 2010

The Time Traveler's wife

The novel is titled the timetraveler's wife written by Audrey Niffenegger. The book tells about a love story, one populated by realistic characters. Even with the time travel and its effects on their lives,Henry and Clare are people you intimately know and empathize with their fears and flaws common to us all. Everyone has a cross to bear, and Henry's is unique. Ms. Niffeneggerdoes an admirable job portraying their life together, and exploring a love built over a lifetime that course deep through both of them.
The novel is titled The Time Traveler'sWife, but as Clare realizes, her life is so intertwined with Henry's that it's his story also. The story is told in first-person narration from both Henry and Clare. Eachsection begins with the date and the ages of Clare and Henry, and sometimes multiple ages for Henry when more than one version of him is present. This allows us to see theirlives from both their perspectives, to see Clare's fear every time Henry leaves or how his actions in the past or future affect her life in real time, and to see Henry'sstruggles to cope with his illness while trying to remain safe and keep the secrets that he shouldn't reveal to anyone.
This book is good because it’s a science fiction book witha love story main idea…a love story of two people who must live with this curse as part of their lives. This is an amazing book that makes you want to keep reading it; it’san interesting story about two people who fell in love after all that they went thought. I love this book and I suggest to people to read it and then to watch the movie.
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