Decreto 2663

Páginas: 6 (1440 palabras) Publicado: 4 de mayo de 2011
STUDENT´S NAME: __ Gonzalez Castillo Ricardo _________________
APPRENTICESHIP: ___Contabilidad y Finanzas______________________
DATE: ___april 3th 2011___________________
1-Averigüe sobre los días de fiesta en los Estados Unidos y haga una lista de ellas en ingles.
* January 1 New Year
* Birthday of Martin L.King Third Monday in January
Ground Hog Day February 2
* Valentine's Day February 14
* President's Day Third Monday of February
* St. Patrick's Day March 17
* Patriot Day Monday April third
* Mother's Day Second Sunday in May
* Memorial Day Last Monday in May
* Father's Day Third Sunday in June
* Independence Day July 4th
* Labor Day First Monday in September* Columbus Day Second Monday in October
* Halloween October 31
* Veterans Day November 11
* Thanksgiving Day Fourth Monday in November
* Christmas December 25

2-Haga su autodescripción física y moral en ingles.
Physically: I am twenty years old, I am tall and thin, I have short red and wavy hair, my eyes are small and brown, I have a round face and my skin is trigueña
Mypersonality is friendly and tactful with the other person, I like listen music and share time with mys friend, I hate to the people that hurt other.
3-Escriba 10 frases comunes en ingles.
1) What´s up my friend
2) What are you doing
3) Don´t botther me, Let me alone
4) Don´t touch that
5) That´s right
6) You have beatiful eyes
7) What do you think about…?
8)You must learn them
9) We are able to do it
10) I just call to say you, I love you
4-Haga una lista de 10 saludos y 10 despedidas en ingles.
Greetings: Hello, Hi, Nice to meet you, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, Good to see you, How are you?, What's up?, What's new?
Farewell: Good-bye, See you later, See Ya, Have a good evening, Take care, See you son, Good to have seenyou again, See you tomorrow, Best wishes!, Good night
5-Escriba 10 palabras usadas en su aprendizaje, tradúzcalas al ingles y coloque su pronunciación entre paréntesis. Apréndalas de memoria. Ejemplo:
Expediente personal-Personal file- (personal fail)
1) Empresa – Enterprise Or Company – (enterprais or compani)
2) Balance general-financial statements-(fainancial estaiments)
3)Ciclo contable-accounting cycle-(acountin zaicol)
4) Patrimonio – patrimony - (patrimoni)
5) Analista financiero - Financial Analyst - (fainancial analis)
6) Utilidades - Utilities – (utiliris)
7) Gerencia - Management – (manayent)
8) Presupuesto - estimation – (estimeicion)
9) Auditoria - Audit – (audit)
10) Software contable - accounting software – (acountin sofwar)6-Averigüe como se dan las fechas en ingles y de 10 ejemplo.
Rarely use the long form; most of times are MM / DD / YY
The month comes first. After day and year last: for example
1) July 16th xxxx
2) January 15th xxxx
3) May 13th xxxx
4) January 1th xxxx
5) December 31th xxxx
6) February 14th xxxx
7) December 25th xxxx
8) June 6th xxxx
9) October 31th xxxx10) July 4th xxxx
 7-Escriba el nombre de 10 colores en ingles con su correspondiente pronunciación.
* Black (blac)
* White (wait)
* Yellow (ielou)
* Red (red)
* Green (grin)
* Blue (blu)
* Violet (violet)
* Orange (oranch)
* Purple (purple)
* Pink (pink) 
8-Averigüe como dar la hora en ingles y de 10 ejemplos.
To indicate the time in English is necessary to consider first, whether it is before or after and a half:
* From a full hour and a half until we use the term “PAST” to indicate how many minutes of the hour. EXAMPLE:...
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