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Páginas: 2 (500 palabras) Publicado: 27 de noviembre de 2011
El informe resalta que en Bélgica la pobreza no ha disminuido con respecto al anterior informe de 2005 y que un 14,7% de la población vive por debajo delumbral de la pobreza. De no existir el sistema de seguridad social actual, el porcentaje de pobreza en Bélgica oscilaría entorno al 41,8%.
The inform resalt that in belgium poberty hasn’t decreasfrom 2005 till now and that the 14,7% of the people leave below the umbral of poverty. If the security sistem in belgium wouldn’t exist the poverty in belgium would be like a 41,8%

Elinforme indica la urgente necesidad de que el servicio de mediación, creado hace 8 años, se active porque, aunque el Estado ha previsto mecanismos de protección para los más débilesThe inform sais the urgent need of mediation service created 8 years before to be activated allthrogh th estate has prevew that mechanisms of protection for the weakComo final de este apartado, el informe concluye que las medidas adoptadas para disminuir la factura energética de las familias pobres

At the end of this apart the informconcludes that the measures adopted to decreas the energetic fracture of poor families

The social security system, which expanded rapidly during the prosperous 1950s and 1960s,includes a medical system, unemploiment encurance coverage, child allowances, invalid benefits, and other benefits and pencions. With the onset of a recession in the 1970s, this system became an increasingburden on the economy and accounted for much of the government budget deficits. The national unemployment figures mask considerable differences between flanders and wallonia. Unemployment in Walloniais mainly structural, while in Flanders it is cyclical. Flanders' unemployment level equals only half that of Wallonia. The southern region continues a difficult transition out of sunset industries...
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