
Páginas: 3 (517 palabras) Publicado: 7 de agosto de 2012
Chernobyl is a city located in Ukraine. It was founded in the 13th century and it is located 120 km from Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine. Actually only 500 of the more than 100.000 inhabitantsof Chernobyl are living there .Pripyat is another city affected by the accident, it has been abandoned and people never returned, because of high grades of radioactivity, which will disappear in 24millenniums at least. It´s located 111 km from Kiev, and 19 from Chernobyl. It was founded in 1970 and it was one of the biggest cities of the U.S.S.R. The population was scientists and workers of thepower plant, which was located two km from Pripyat. It was planned to be a “future city”, with buildings 16 floors high, fertile lands and no criminality. The city was the first town in being evacuatedafter the accident, which was evacuated in 3 hours, 39 hours since the accident had occurred. Slautvitch has been built so the people from Pripyat can live there. Anyway, more than 90 villages hadbeen evacuated.
The accident was caused because of some main causes:
* Didn´t fulfill the safety requirements.
* The failure of an experiment caused from bad planning to bad development andhuman errors.
The experiment that caused this disaster was planned to discover how many time the reactor will be producing energy without electricity. The 170 “control bars” maintained a flow ofneutrons, that the xenon should absorb and after absorbing them it becomes harmless. The minimum of this bars that must surround the reactor are 30, but only 8 were left. The scientists shut down therefrigeration and the main computer, so the liquid xenon, without refrigeration and neutrons, became toxic and started moving, allowing an hydrogen “cloud” to expand, blowing up the 100 tons of ceilings ofthe reactor, sending to the atmosphere the poisonous xenon and other radioactive and dangerous materials.
The military firemen, in cooperation with Chernobyl´s and Pripyat´s firemen extinguished the...
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