Dry Forest

Páginas: 2 (438 palabras) Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2012
Tropical dry forest
* these forests occur in climates that are warm year-round
* receive several hundred centimeters of rain per year,
* long dry seasons which lastseveral months and vary with geographic location
* Dry forests tend to exist north and south of the equator
* The most diverse dry forests in the world occur in southern Mexico and inthe Bolivian lowlands

Abiotic factors
* mainly warm all year
* Humidity plays a large factor in this biome
* The rich soil is subject erosion
* This biome is spread out around the globe
*a minimum of about 20 inches of rain per year

Biotic factors
Most of the plants depend on the location of the dry forest, an example off this are
Costa rica
 the Indio Desnuda tree(the naked Indian) uses its green bark to carry on photosynthesis so it can continue to grow and thrive even when its leaves fall off. Acacia trees rely on thorns to keep plant-eating animals fromeating all of their leaves. The thorns play home to colonies of ants that help keep away herbivores and other insects that would defoliate the tree otherwise. 
includes plants such as trees,shrubs and understory that look lush and green right after it rains. Columnar cacti and other succulents that hold water in their leaves and stems thrive in the area. Plants such as lotus, ironwood andacacias rely on small leathery leaves to keep water loss to a minimum

 Plants include epiphytes that live on trees with no roots of their own. Palm trees and the huge Ceiba trichastandratrees also grow here.

Most of the animal are in all the places where the rain forst is located
Mammals. the white rhino and the giraffe, The majority of the mammals in the world's dryforests tend to be smaller, though, such as monkeys, pumas, jaguars, deer, squirrels, and rodents
Birds: they play an important part in the ecosystems of many tropical dry forests around the world....
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