
Páginas: 2 (392 palabras) Publicado: 22 de febrero de 2012
1.(E.B.O.N.Y) Clic on the "O" of !YNOBE in the title
2. (On your way...) Select all
3. (_b_l_sk) Change de URL with the page name: obelisk
4. (Turmoil) See source code in the buttonpage. Read the words betten ON words and change the URL with them. Must be gettingthere.html
5. (Lost?) Look careefully at the image and it'll be written in a tree the word this way. Change the URLwith that word.
6. (The place where she lives) Read the sign "Sukeena lives here" Search on Internet where Sukeena lives and change the URL with the place.
7. (Initiational) Username: sukeenaPassword: chase
8. (First Contact?) Change the URL with the name Ziggy, which is the boy's name. NOTE: [Names: Giskard Murdock Aneninen / Lisa Laura Yxonumei / Ziggy Samara Th-Ts]
8.(...) Read all the text. Then click pass to Level 9...
9. (Talk4awhile) bokldkjgwkfkuk.html With caesar cipher (elevator language) The text is please come here.
10. (You wish you could remove) Use theURL grid.html the compare both panels. The username must be learning and the password tofly
11. (f OR k) Two solutions. Look at the words, each one had an anagram. One word is dreamy.. the other?12. (Relevant & Irrelevant) huo.html in the URL
13. (imag scr) Look the name of the image (keep it) and look numbers than can match with it. The word is avast the numbers are 02049. The numbers arewritten in the wall.
14. (In the dark) Bright the computer as much as you can. Read the letter and writte it in the way the clock goes. The word must be turn right.
15. (huger than the average) Theword is orange because of the color of the number 15 andthe shape of the figure.
16. (For the true one) The numbers in one wall are in binary code (pleasecallthepolicenotme) match them and the wordmust be peakpoint
17. (Mind the gap and) I don't know but the word is slide for one exit.
18. (Back..) Username: Tracks Password: Meet [were in the image of the level before]
19. (Ain't happy?) The...
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