Ejemplo De Planeación

Páginas: 5 (1070 palabras) Publicado: 18 de abril de 2012
-American Academy

Planeación basada en Proyectos de Preescolar


|Proyecto : “Medios de transporte y profesiones” |Período del 12 al 16 de marzo de 2012 |
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| |Maestra: |
| |Carol |
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|ACTIVIDADES |Conoceremos los diferentes oficios y profesiones, repasaremos los mediosde transporte, repasaremos preposiciones, | |
|PREVIAS |opuestos, números, figuras geométricas. | |
|INICIO |Esta semana trabajaremos en el proyecto Oficios y Profesiones, así los niños reafirmarán: | |
|¿Quévamos a hacer? |VOCABULARIO: community, bus driver, ship, policeman, truck, fire, mailman, milkman, helicopter, roller skates, | |
| |medicine, bicycle, pilot, ambulance, letter, plane, dentist, train, teeth, car, motorcycle, nurse, hospital, fireman,| |
| |bus, hose, doctor, teacher, school, boat,captain, van, Easter, eggs, egg shells, watercolors, Easter Bunny, Spring | |
| |parade, basket, Bunny ears, candies. | |
| |COLORES: red, white, blue, purple, yellow, green, orange, pink, brown, black, gray. ||
| |FIGURAS: line, circle, triangle, square, diamond, rectangle, heart, oval, star TAMAÑOS: big, médium, small | |
| |NÚMEROS: Trabajar el numero 8 y cantidad con material. | |
| |FRASES: How is theweather today, I want to be a (doctor, fireman…), I like the (doctor, truck…), Are you a (doctor,| |
| |fireman, policeman…?) No, I´m a policeman, Do you like to drive?, Yes I do, No I don´t, Where does she work? She | |
| |works at a hospital, What do you do? I put out the fire, He is a policeman and he protectspeople, He is a pilot and | |
| |he drives an airplane, He is a busdriver, he drives a bus, She is a teacher, she works at a school, He is a milkman, | |
| |he delivers milk, She is a nurse, she helps a doctor. | |
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| |INSTRUCCIONES: Wash your hands-face, put your chair in-out, clap your hands, hands up-down, make a big circle, make a| |
| |Little circle, raise your hand, jump, sit down, stand up, run, walk...
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