El ojo humano

Páginas: 2 (451 palabras) Publicado: 18 de marzo de 2012
The human eye is an organ photo recipient, which functions, already implicit, consists of receiving the luminous beams proceeding from the present objects in the exterior world and oftransforming them into electrical impulses that are led to the nervous center of the vision in the brain.
The eye needs of certain period of adjustment to happen from a luminous correspondingintensity in the light of the day, to minor intensities of light and vice versa. This period of adjustment thinks in relation a very sensitive structure, that she is the manager of it catches the light: theRetina.
This one possesses cells entrusted to generate the diurnal vision (the cones), being the persons in charge of the vision to color, and those of the night vision (the small sticks). Having init counts this, we can conclude that the small sticks are the persons in charge of the astronomic observation.
From the optical point of view, the eye presents analogy with the dark chamber of acamera. Both retinas are excited by the stimuli from the environment and the optical images that are formed in her, are reversed. By means of a process that takes place in the brain, there isre-established the sense of the perceived object. To reach the Retina, a bundle of light must cross the means refringentes of the human eye, which they are four:
1. The Cornea.
2. The watery Humor.
3. Thelens or crystalline.
4. The glassy humor.
The curved surface of the retina is very important, since it allows to compensate the change of path that suffers a light beam, on having happened foraverage with so different indexes from diffraction. Already inside the eye, the indexes of refraction of the crystalline one, watery humor and glassy humor, are so similar, that the bundle of light doesnot suffer very much change, only the investment that we mention previously.
Besides the renowned elements previously, the eye presents a structure not refringente very importantly, whose function...
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