
Páginas: 29 (7030 palabras) Publicado: 15 de mayo de 2012
Introducción a Ethernet Industrial

Algunos conceptos

Prof. Ing. Diego M. Romero
Octubre 2005


Requerimientos de las redes Ethernet para
aplicaciones industriales
Switches Ethernet para aplicaciones de piso de
Conectividad inalámbrica en ámbitos industriales
Conversores Serie a Ethernet
Conversores de medio físico

Introducción a EthernetIndustrial



¿Qué es una Red Industrial?

Introducción a Ethernet Industrial


Ethernet, which has seen great success and received universal acceptance in corporate
and university offices, has begun to find its way into the more demanding industrial
environment. The attractions of Ethernet include the ability to monitor data transmissions,
the existence of utilities (such asTelnet) which are used to set up and reconfigure
equipment, and the capability to load control device programs from a central location.
These types of applications are often referred to as “at the management level,” although
there is a move afoot to adopt Ethernet “at the device level,” too. This includes using
TCP/IP Ethernet connections to transmit control signals, such as in robotics, theoperation
of high-speed sorting equipment, and SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)
Evolución de las redes industriales propietarias.
Integración de la información de piso de planta con los sistemas de gestión (MRP/ERP).
Ampliar la conectividad por medio de Internet.


Redes Industriales - Niveles de comunicación
Volumen de


Sistemas deGestion y

Ethernet TCP/IP
Autómatas Frontales,
Supervisión ,
Operación y Control


Modbus + / FIPWAY

Autómatas,Consolas, Variadores

Modbus / Unitelway

Sensores / Actuadores de Campo

Introducción a Ethernet Industrial

Bus ASi

de Respuesta



Confiabilidad, velocidad y seguridad de
Accesodeterminístico al medio.
Mayor confiabilidad para las aplicaciones industriales,
que la ofrecida por los productos habitualmente usados
en aplicaciones para oficina u hogar.
Ambientes industriales con condiciones desfavorables:
Temperaturas extremas.
Operación con diferentes tensiones de alimentación, tanto en CC
como en CA.
Ruido eléctrico y transitorios.
Atmósferas agresivas y condiciones de usoextremas.

Recuperación rápida ante fallas y seguridad, que ayude
a una operación continua (24 x 7) y segura en el
ambiente industrial.
Uso de fibra óptica.
Introducción a Ethernet Industrial


As Ethernet moves from the office to the factory floor, it is important to keep in mind that
the purpose of commercially available network equipment, such as an Ethernet switch, is
forconnecting PCs, printer servers, and other devices that are designed to work in the
comfort of offices and climate-controlled corporate machine rooms. This means that if you
purchase Ethernet equipment that was originally designed for office applications, but then
use the equipment in your demanding industrial environment, you run the risk of causing
tremendous damage to your industrial system.Because each industrial device, such as a
PLC, is networked, the device plays a very important role when it comes to the operation
of the entire industrial system. This is unlike the average office application, in which the
failure of Ethernet equipment might merely mean that a few PCs cannot send e-mail
messages for a couple of minutes.
But in the industrial application, when an industrialdevice loses its connection to the
network, the result could be a huge financial loss.
When choosing Ethernet equipment to fulfill the requirements of industrial applications,
and to ensure that your entire industrial system keeps running smoothly, you should keep
the following points in mind.


Conectividad y facilidad de uso
Fácil Instalación y Mantenimiento:
Montaje en racks, riel...
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