Ensayo sobre el amor en ingles

Páginas: 2 (343 palabras) Publicado: 29 de noviembre de 2011
The Love
The Love
Love has always existed, from the earliest times.Not only is given in people also in animals.Its depicted with affection and gifts.The love between a man and awoman is more beautiful than can be given in the world.The way they fit is something spectacular.
Its so beautiful the way in which love arises between Yong. For example: ”love is lookelsewhere for what you do not find in you” (Arjona,2011). Young people do not care about the world, so only have time for love. Youth problems can be considered the minimum for an adult,so they are happy when they love. Have good feelings for which they were considered to have a pure love.
All people are able to love in the world. For example: “love is pure if someoneyou love” (Bambino,2010). All the people are able to love but all decide to choose that way, some people choose the road of hate, but more worse a person is there is always the space tolove. By a costume, or maybe holding a genetic trait, the human being is capable and in the same time he is needed to be loved. We recieve love from our parents when we are born, wegive it when we choose our spouse, and we give and recieve mutually when we generate our own offspring.
The love between a man and a woman is more beautiful than can be given in theworld. Humans, being a creature naturally social, needs the affection and the cherish from what he considers his close ones, and tends to develope even physical patologías when this love isrestrained. Love that a person can

express can, however, turn itself into a pathological necessity by hearing the wrong causes, and when this happens love is consedereddisfunctional and therefore an obsession. Must be very careful with love, because as well as can be as nice, also can become a sacrifice. If you love someone you fight for it until the end.
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