Ensayo Usa 1

Páginas: 4 (954 palabras) Publicado: 2 de julio de 2015

In Chile, huge amounts of marine animals have been commercialized in the last 30 years. This exploitation have made marine animals like Concholepas concholepa, Fissurella spp, Loxechinus albusdiminish considerably. Because of this, to solve this problem, Chilean people have implemented a system to manage areas on the coast of Chile that are being exploited. This program is called AMERB(areas de manejo y explotacion de recursos bentonicos). It consists of giving territories to local fisherman where they will be able to catch marine animals, in a manner that considers the ecosystem. Thissystem allows the fisherman to work and catch marine animals without affecting the ecosystem and food chain.
“Human activity is the principal factor affecting the distribution and abundance of livinganimals, producing important effects on genetic, community, and ecosystem levels. quote from a comparison document between management areas and free fishing areas the andres bello university. Ashuman beings we have a responsibility to care for our environment , as people with a mind more developed we have created more needs, such as technology, to produce the industry pollute and damage ournatural resources, so we have to raise awareness and start generate public trust that protect and promote the production of natural resources

The workmanship can be divided into management areas orareas of free access. The first one takes care about natural resource, so that populations of species endangered not have cared.

In others countries of south America like Peru The main purpose of laws onthe management area is conserving resources enabling the repopulation of the same . Actions to manage the ecosystem to foster growth and development of populations of commercial importance , throughperiods of " planting " and " harvest " are proposed. That is similar to Chile that if being much more progress than us because they have a simple system that is based on species selection , fitness...
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