
Páginas: 136 (33830 palabras) Publicado: 1 de marzo de 2010
Surface Production Operations
Design of Oil Handling Systems and Facilities
Ken Arnold
AMEC Paragon, Houston, Texas

Maurice Stewart
President, Stewart Training Company THIRD EDITION

Gulf Professional Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier

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Acknowledgments to the Third Edition

A number of people helped to make possible this revised third edition of Surface Production Operations,Volume 1—Design of Oil and Water Handling Facilities. A real debt is owed to the 45,000-plus professional men and women of the organizations that I’ve taught and worked with through my 35-plus years in the oil and gas industry and made a reality the ideas in this book. The companies are too numerous to name, but it’s worth emphasizing that a consultant only makes suggestions—it’s the engineers,managers, technicians, and operators who are faced with the real challenge. I have been privileged to work with the “best-of-the-best” companies in the world, and this book is dedicated to them for their vision and perseverance. Although I can’t mention everyone who has helped me along the way, I would like to say thank you to my colleagues and friends: Jamin Djuang of PT Loka Datamas Indah; ChangChoon Kiang, Amran Manaf, and Ridzuan Arrifin of Petroleum Training Southeast Asia (PTSEA); Clem Nwogbo of Resourse Plus; Khun Aujchara and Bundit Pattanasak of PTTEP; Al Ducote and Greg Abdelnor of Chevron Nigeria Limited, and David Rodriguez of Chevron Angola (CABGOC). Thanks are due to Samuel Sowunmi of Chevron Nigeria Limited and Mochammad Zainal-Abidin of Total Indonesie, who were responsiblefor proofreading the text and making certain all units were correct. Thanks are also due to Yudhianto of Stewart Training Company (STC), for drawing hundreds of new illustrations from our crude sketches. Of critical


Acknowledgments to the Third Edition

importance was the contribution of Heri Wibowo of STC, who was responsible for coordinating the entire typing and drafting effort.Heri was also responsible for editing and pulling it all together at the end. However, we take full responsibility for any errors that still remain in this text. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife, Dyah who has been my inspiration, providing support and encouragement when needed. Maurice Stewart The first editions of this book were based mostly on materials I had developed and gathered over...
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