
Páginas: 6 (1377 palabras) Publicado: 20 de septiembre de 2012



PSYC 350




1. Define Psychopathology
The study of the origin, development, and manifestations of mental or behavioral disorder.

2. Draw a timeline to describe the historic development of psychopathology
since demonology until the beginning of the contemporary thought.

Greek culture:Distinguishes several conceptions of madness, including: popular opinion, literary, medical and philosophical. That people suffering from certain mental disorders were you possessed by evil spirits, assigning personifications. Mild cases were left to their own initiative and were mocked. The considered violent were homebound, often in chains, by the assumption that the gods who had gone madpeople could also cure according to the homeopathic technique. To understand and explain the historical process of Greek culture, start from the claims of various authors: Homero (s. X and IX. than. C.), in his Iliad, is that the disorder (ate) sent by a god is used to explain aberrant behavior and thoughts of the heroes. Meanwhile, Hippocrates (460-335 a. C.) from the medical point of view, isconsidered the founder of Mental Medicine, seems to have taken the words Homeric tradition mania, melancholy and sacred evil. Platon (428-348 a. C.) in the Phaedrus distinguishes four kinds of madness: prophetic (temporary insanity), or ritual teléstica (freedom from instinctual needs), poetic (possession by the muses for inspiration state particular) and sexuality (associated with human love, theGreek culture included homosexual and heterosexual) and Aristotle (348-322 a. C.) the father of psychology, defended the view that black bile (in Greek chole Melaina, from which the word "melancholy") could cause certain disturbances of sensory perception and hallucinations.

Roman culture:

Roman culture was repeated experience of Greece, but with very small variations, the notions ofmadness (Popular opinion, medical and literary-philosophical). With respect to the popular notion, madness is related as a frantic ecstasy. From the medical viewpoint, Ascleopiades (s. I. C.) phrenitis described as a fever accompanied by mental excitement, and mania, as a continuous excitation without fever. Also differed illusions of hallucinations and prescribed treatment in bright rooms for thosepatients with hallucinations due to his fear of the dark feature. Conerlio Aulus Celsus (s. I. BC), meanwhile, uses the word insanity, of which supports two meanings, and hallucinatory insanity insanity referred to fool, dividing it into sadness and joy. Galen (130-200 d. C.) influenced by the doctrine of the four humors. It found that health was due to a correct proportion of blood, phlegm,yellow bile and black bile, the dyscrasia, leading to the disease, was due to inadequate mixing. So, melancholy is produced by an excess of black bile, melancholy aberrations (paranoia) partly from false sensory impressions (phantasis), however, were common to all the fear and despair (dysthymia). The treatment for this was to remove excess bile through phlebotomy or using cathartic agents. It alsonoted that male sperm retention or delayed uterine discharge contributed to the imbalance psychic manifestations of anxiety.

3. Define anxiety disorder using a conceptual map.

4. Define:
The development of a physical disease or symptoms from an organic pathophysiologic cause.

The origin and development of psychological processes,personality, or behavior.
Development of a medical disorder or illness resulting from psychological rather than physiological factors.

The scientific study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations.

The study of demons or superstitions about demons.

A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease,...
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