Específico turismo

Páginas: 7 (1610 palabras) Publicado: 17 de mayo de 2011

Vocabulary (nouns)
Word | Meaning | Example sentence |
architecture | design of a building | The architecture of this building is typical of the Renaissance age. |
art gallery | place to look at professional paintings and drawings | We are going to visit the art gallery where local painters exhibit their art. |
attractions | places for tourists tosee | The water park is our most recent attraction . |
bearings | feeling for understanding one's location/surroundings in an unknown area | If you're having trouble getting your bearings just remember that the mountains are west. |
business district | area in a city that has many offices | Keep in mind that this is the business district so that grocery store may be expensive. |
castle| a building for royalty | No one has lived in this castle since the last king died twenty years ago. |
church | a place to worship God | The church is the central meeting place in this town. |
conveniences | things that make life easier | There you will find all of your conveniences, from suntan lotion to shampoo. |
custom | something people of a region do often | It's a custom tohang beads in the windows at this time of year. |
en route | on the way | While we are en route to the hotel I will point out the beach and the golf course. |
entertainment district | a place where there are theatres and concert halls | If you want to catch a movie while you're here, the entertainment district is off to your left. |
exception | something/someone that does not follow theusual rules or expectations | With the exception of Johnson Street, it is safe to walk around here at night. |
exhibition | objects (i.e. art) displayed for a short time for the public to view | It may be tough to find parking with the car exhibition on this week. |
highlight | the best part | People often say that the highlight of their trip is the botanical gardens. |
lobby | frontentrance | We will meet in the lobby at 8 am sharp. |
locals | people who live in an area | The locals are usually happy to show tourists around. |
market | place to buy fresh food and homemade items | Every Sunday there is a farmer's market on Wade Street. |
monument | a statue/structure that honours an event or person | This monument honours the men and women who died during thewar. |
museum | a place where historical items are displayed | The museum charges a small fee for adults, but children are free. |
original state | the way something appeared from the beginning | Except for the roof, this home has been left in its original state. |
photograph | picture taken with a camera | You may not take photographs here, but you can purchase a postcard. |
postcard| a card with a picture on one side(usually an object or place that tourists see) that can be mailed without an envelope | The gift shop has many great souvenirs, such as postcards of the beautiful waterfalls. |
restaurant district | part of a town/city with many places to eat | You will see there are many more eateries to choose from when we head to the restaurant district. |
scenery| natural beauty to look at | It is impossible to capture the beauty of this scenery in pictures. |
shopping district | area of town where there are many stores | You may want to save some spending money because we'll be visiting the shopping district this afternoon. |
site | place,location | This is the site of a very famous battle. |
stairway/stairwell | steps going up or down | Thestairwell is very steep, so please watch your step. |
surroundings | things that you see around you | I hope you enjoy the castle and its surroundings, including the secret garden. |
waterfront | piece of land next to an ocean, lake, or river | There will be plenty of live entertainment down at the waterfront. |

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