Estrategias de matin luther king en sus discursos

Páginas: 2 (329 palabras) Publicado: 7 de noviembre de 2010
Strategies used in the first part of the speech.
Martin Luther King Jr. made a speech, famous for its repeated phrase: “I have a dream”. In the first part of his speech he made an enormoususe of strategies. In the first place, he pronounces his speech in a friendly but serious way. The way we should all talk to each other. Through this friendly but serious way, he expresseshis angriness towards the injustice of racism. An example of this strategy is in the sentence where it says,: “But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro isstill not free.” Another strategy that he uses, is that in the third paragraph he repeats the phrase,: “ One hundred years later,…” , continued by a description in which the Negro stilllives, making the listener more interested in his theme. Besides another strategy is his soaring rhetoric demanding racial justice and an integrated society. He also had a special and unique wayto use his political words. Another strategy used was all the research where, in the Bible, The Gettysburg Address and The U.S Declaration of Independence. Another strategy is the poeticsense given to the speech, due to the fact that there is an obvious use of imagery, rhythm and frequent repetitions. This first part of, concentrates mainly in the wake-up call for justice andequality between the white and the colored. A lot of persuading needed to be use, and so it was. He also uses in his speech a lot of metaphors to highlight contrasting concepts. Anotherstrategy could be the fact, that Martin Luther King. Uses examples that makes the text more easy to understand. Not only does he repeat phrases, but also words. And those repeated words cansometimes name the theme. Like for example: “freedom; we; us; dream; justice; etc”. In conclusion, Martin Luther King Jr. uses different strategies to convince the people of his message.
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