Examen Ingles 2O Bimestre Segundo De Primaria

Páginas: 3 (546 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2012
Use the words in each column to write five commands.
BrushGoTakeWashEat | vegetablesteethbedshowerface |

1. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the food you like or do not like.
1. I like __________________________________________________.
2. I do not like___________________________________________.
3. I like __________________________________________________.
4. I do not like ___________________________________________.

Label the pictures with the correctsentences from the box.
Brush your teeth! Eat your dinner!
Do your homework! Clean your room!

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Circle the healthy foods and cross out the unhealthyones.
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Draw four pictures of things you do every day in the order you do them. Then, write about them. Use the transition words that show the correct order:First, Then, Next, and Finally.

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Read the sentences. Decide if they are asking, or telling, or showing an emotion.
1. David doesn’t eat carrots__2. Is your name Peter__
3. What are you doing__
4. This is yummy__

Copy the sentences and add the correct punctuation. ( . ? ! )
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________

Circle the options that have correct punctuation. Then, complete the sentences.

Toothbrush. Toothbrush?
1. Where is my ______________________
Bed? Bed.
2. I brush my...
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