Examen ingles

Páginas: 3 (749 palabras) Publicado: 28 de junio de 2011
Module 4
A. Complete with the correct object personal pronouns.
1. Mr. Andrews is talking to you. Listen to________ !
2. Julie wants to borrow___________ your pen. Why don’t you give itto ?
3. We are going to the mall with Ben and Danny. We’re _____________meeting at 8 o’clock.
4. Kathy is late for work. Can you give___________ a lift?
5. Look at____________! You look sofunny with that hat.
B. Complete the sentences with some or any.
1.________there beef in the refrigerator?
2. He doesn’t have__________ brothers or
3. There are_________ pencils onthe desk.
4. There is__________cheese on the table but
there isn’t milk.
5. There are_________ books on the shelf but
there aren’t CDs.
6. I have________ cake. Here, take a piece.
C.Complete with How much or How many.
1. ________glasses of water do you drink every day?
2. _________vegetable soup would you like?
3. __________pieces of pizza did you eat?
4. __________does a giraffeweigh?
5. ____________garlic did you put in the soup? It tastes awful.
6. ____________times a week do you go jogging?
7. ________does this shirt cost?
8. _____________coffee should I drink everyday?
D. Circle the correct answer.
1. There aren’t some / any pears in the refrigerator.
2. Would you like a / some cereal for breakfast?
3. I’d like any / a snack, please. I’m hungry!
 4. We don’t have any/ a cheese for the sandwiches. Can you go to the grocery store, please?
5. Why don’t you have any / a piece of cake for dessert?
6. I want to lose some / any weight soI’m joining the gym.
E. Circle the correct words.
1. Why do you want to buy new sneakers? You have lots of / a lot pairs at home.
2. Jane took much / many pictures of the giraffes at the zoo.She’s crazy about them.
3. I eat a lot of / many junk food. I should stop!
4. I slept for too many / much hours yesterday.
5. A: You shouldn’t watch so much / many TV.
B: I know, I...
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