Fixed Currency

Páginas: 3 (683 palabras) Publicado: 4 de mayo de 2012
1. Human population has been increasing in the last approximately 100 years in an accelerated way. More people are being born than people are dying in the parameters. This means that planet Hearthhas to support more and more people in the same area (Earth is limited). It has many implications in almost every way. For example, the fact that there are more people being born means that more water,electricity, and food are needed. Also, the fact that we are living longer implies that one person will need more water, electricity, and food for a longer period of time. One big problem here isalso the fact that we are overusing our resources since we sometimes waste them instead of using them, and in other parts of the world any kind of resource such as water of electricity are very scarce.One example that chapter talks about is how China is having problems to supply its entire population with clean water. It brings to coalition the fact that water transportation is still very expensiveand also can have a big negative impact on the environment. But this problem can be seemed in many aspects as the chapter recalls. Energy, economic growth, and farming are some of the most importantideas people need to keep in mind when looking towards our future as a race.
2. “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.” Human, regarding how modern we can become tend to follow avery natural pattern; we repeat in the future what we have done in the past. And if those repetitions are positive, then there is not a problem. However, when we as humans start abusing everythingthat surrounds us, the fact that we continue that pattern could end in catastrophic consequences. The book talks about a dilemma when it comes to human behavior: 1. the best predictor of futurebehavior is past behavior. 2. Earth’s resources are finite.
If Earth’s sources are finite, and time has shown that humans tend to abuse them, then could this not end in a conflict? I personally would like...
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