
Páginas: 12 (2842 palabras) Publicado: 3 de junio de 2012
República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Gobernacion del Poder Popular Guariqueño
Secretaria de Educacion Cultura y Deporte
Unidad Educativa “Bicentenaria”
Calabozo, Edo Guarico

Facilitador:Lisbets Guitierrez | Participante:Jose Flores C.I.V- 26.614.007 |

Mayo, de 2012


a ancas adv. behind, on the rump, [coll.] accompanying, together with
a banderas desplegadas adv. openly,freely
a barba regalada adv. abundantly
a bien librar adv. as well as could be expected, as well as can be expected
a boca adv. verbally, by word of mouth
a boca de cañón adv. at close range, point blank
a boca de costal adv. freely, without moderation
a boca de jarro adv. without moderation, like a fish, [fig.] point blank, at close range, [amer.] at point-blank range
a boca denoche adv. at nightfall
a boca llena adv. frankly, openly, outspokenly


borrachón sust. [m.][f.] drunkard
borrachuela sust. [f.][bot.] bearded darnel
borrado adj. [peru.] pack-marked, tecla de borrado sust. delete key
borrador sust. [m.] rough copy, rough draft, day book, shopkeeper's blotter, [amer.] rubber, eraser, libro borrador sust. [m.][com.] rough book, notebook
borradurasust. [f.] erasure, deletion
borragináceo sust. [f.][pl.][bot.] Boraginaceae, adj. [bot.] boraginaceous
borragíneo sust. [f.][pl.][bot.] Boraginaceae, adj. [bot.] boraginaceous
borraj sust. [m.][chem.] borax
borraja sust. [f.][bot.] borage
borrajear v.t. to scribble, to doodle, to scrawl, v.i to scribble, to doodle

casquillo escariador sust. [m.] reaming shell
casquillo partido sust.[m.][mech.] split bushing
casquimuleño adj. small cylindrical hoofs
casquín sust. [m.][c.amer.] blow on the head
casquite adj. [ven.] sourish, [fig.] sour-tempered, ill-tempered
casquivano adj. [coll.] scatterbrained, feather-brained
cassette sust. [f.] cassette
casta sust. [f.] caste, lineage, breed, ilk, kind, class, de casta le viene al galgo adv. like father, like son, perro decasta sust. [m.] pedigreed dog
castálidas sust. [f.][pl.][myth.] Castalides, Muses
castalio adj. Castalian, Muse

da capo sust. [m.][mus.] da capo, from the begining
da la casualidad que adv. it just happens that
dable adj. possible, feasible
daca adv. [f.] give me, hand over, andar en toma y daca v.i [coll.] to argue, to quarrel, to discuss, toma y daca sust. [f.] give-and-takedacha sust. [f.] dacha
Dacia n.p. [f.][hist.][geog.] Dacia
dacio sust. [m.][f.] Dacian, [m.] tribute, tax, adj. Dacian
dación sust. [f.][law.] giving, handing over
dacrón sust. [m.][tex.] Dacron
dactilado adj. finger-shaped
dactilar adj. digital, cartera dactilar sust. [f.][amer.] driver's license, huella dactilar sust. [f.] fingerprint, impresión dactilar sust. [f.] fingerprint

Eebanista sust. [m.] cabinetmaker, woodworker
ebanistería sust. [f.] cabinet maker's workshop, cabinet-making, cabinet work
ébano sust. [m.][bot.] ebony, ebony wood
ebenáceo sust. [f.][pl.][bot.] Ebenaceae, adj. [bot.] ebenaceous
ebionita sust. [m.][f.] Ebionite, adj. [rel.] Ebionitic
ebonita sust. [f.] ebonite
eborario adj. [sculp.] ivory
ebracteado adj. [bot.] ebracteate, ebracteatedebrancado adj. [her.][gal.] with cut branches
ebriedad sust. [f.] drunkenness, inebriation


fa sust. [m.][mus.] fa, fourth note, clave de fa sust. [f.][mus.] base clef, ni fu ni fa adv. [coll.] neither good nor bad, indifferent, mediocre
fabáceo adj. [bot.] fabaceous
fabada sust. [f.] bean and bacon soup
fabla sust. [f.] imitation of old Spanish
fabordón sust. [m.][mus.]faux-bourdon
fábrica sust. factory, plant, building, masonry, fabrication, invention, [rel.] vestry, a el pie de la fábrica adv. [com.] at the factory, delivered to the site, a precios de fábrica adj. at manufacturer's prices, fábrica de cerveza sust. brewery, fábrica de gas sust. gasworks, fábrica de harina sust. flour mill, fábrica de moneda sust. mint, fábrica de montaje sust. [f.] assembly...
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