
Páginas: 4 (881 palabras) Publicado: 20 de octubre de 2013
Andrea: You can turn off this device please..?
Steffi: No because I have to dry my hair, but my hair sponge
Andrea: So fuck you dry your hair on the other hand I want to sleep..!
Steffi: No youfuck you sleep better elsewhere
Steffi and Andre: Who is?
Vale: Am I girls. I forgot my keys can you please open the door?
Andre: You can take care of your stuff
Vale: What happens leave them alonefor a minute and you are fighting
Steffi: I was just drying my hair for school and it is a vague because she has classes at 7 and it's 6:45 and still not ready.
Vale: Just girls
Andre. Do not tellus anything because you too all the time these bothering. Hello I am Valeria I forgot my keys can you open the door? Nanananan........
Steffi: (ash) you dislike me
Andre: Oh I better not go toclass and sleep more since I woke up.
Vale: No this is wrong I resolve this conflict.
Vale: I need your help Cuin.
Cuin: I'm doing a quiet leaf blower, not think I can help.
Vale: How is that a leafblower..? And no sound
Cuin: Yes it has a silent system
Vale: I think you gave me a solution to my problem
Vale: Girls we're good friends and we should not fight and I got a solution for ourproblems
Andre: what is?
Vale: This gave me another room companion
Steffi: What is that...?
Vale is a dryer you can dry your hair
Andrea: And where is the solution?
Vale: this does not sound
Vale: if you want you can try it now
Andrea: well let me sleep in peace..?
Steffi: I think so...!
Steffi: OK. But if I agree to do that, could you please do something for me?
Vale: Howcan we fix it?
Steffi: Maybe changing her room..!
Vale: I know .How about if we do promises each one for solve our problems?
Steffi: I love the promises
Andrea: Oh that ridiculous..!
Vale: Let'ssay you Andrea has to get up early and leave all your stuff in order, you Stefy has to use the leaf blower and let sleeping Andre for that rests the few brain cells you have and I promise to never...
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