
Páginas: 3 (672 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2012
Francisca’s house
Fafa: are knocking on the door
Todas: hi javy
Javy: hi girls how are you? I need telling something
Fafa: what happened?
Javy: what happened is that
Betsy: speak!!!
Javy: Ifall in love with someone
Betsy: what??? Not it a joke… (javy le dice que no con la cabeza) wow is good
Debo: he is beautiful, isn’t he?
Sofi: tell us javy!!!
Naty: hi girls come from a datewith a guy very cute and sweet!!!
Fafa: the javy recently met a guy and we will count about he
Betsy: then tell us how is he
Naty: ok
Javy: ok he’s very sweet, beautiful, your hair is brown and youreyes is brown…(suspiro) he’s very beautiful…
Sofi: (suspiro e imaginandoselo) and as is naty? He’s very beautiful, isn’t he? He’s very sweet, isn’t?
Naty: if very cute indeed looks much like yoursthat rare javy I met him in the park and asked me out, didn’t he?
Javy: Well what did or didn’t?
Naty: jajaja yes he did
Naty y javy se apartan a combersar pero las demas no entendian que pasaba…MINUTOS DEPUES
Fafa: naty not understand but which guy you fell in love is similar to that met javy?
Javy: but…
Naty: But maybe it's a coincidence, isn’t it?
Betsy: but what is the name boy youknew
Javy: your name is Nicolas
Naty: what?
Todas : what happened?
Naty: that's the name of the guy my date
Todas otra vez: WHAT???
Fafa: I mean that for both like the same guy!? Or not?Debo: (le hace una seña a fafa para que se calle)
Sofi: but it must be a coincidence nicolas much with brown hair and eyes in the world could be any…
Betsy: yes look don’t worry!
Javy: but naty haveyour number to see if they are the same, don't you?
Naty: oo yes I have your number
Le muestra el número a la javy del celu obvio
Javy: it’s the same!!!
Todas menos fafa: wow can’t be
Fafa: butcan be…
Todas ; shut
Naty: Not that it can’t be like going to the same person
Sofi: not quiet it must have an explanation, doesn’t have? (sofi le hace una seña a fafa para que la ayude)
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