
Páginas: 3 (541 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013
History of Magic

The term derives from magi magic, one of the religious elements incorporated by magicians in ancient Babylon. There were magicians in Rome, Greece and most of the western andeastern world of antiquity, when magic or sorcery were related popular ancient fertility rites and initiation in the knowledge called barbarian peoples, mainly the Chinese.

The magic and sorcery werealso linked to the beliefs of ancient Eastern nations, in which the magician or sorcerer was both a healer and a knower of the unseen world of spirits and played a leading role in the community.

InGreece and Rome the soothsayers and magicians no longer had anything to do with shamans, although they were consulted on all the powers of divination which believed were endowed.

In medieval Europewas related magic alchemy and astrology, demonic occult activities considered by the Catholic Church, and were persecuted especially during the late Middle Ages and the Modern Era. Some 500,000people were tried and executed largely by civil and religious courts, accused of witchcraft, over nearly five centuries. There witchcraft prosecutions until the nineteenth century, both in Europe and inNorth America. In Europe the Inquisition Tribunal developed a role in these events. It should be noted that none of the major religions accept the practices of magic (yes believe that magic exists assuch), no other Christian faiths. With respect to the Judeo-Christian religions in particular are quite negative references to the Magi in the Old and New Testaments.

Historia de la magia
Eltérmino magia deriva de magi, uno de los elementos religiosos incorporados por los magos en la antigua Babilonia. Hubo magos en Roma, en Grecia y en casi todo el mundo occidental y oriental de la Antigüedad,cuando la magia o hechicería populares estaban relacionadas con antiguos ritos de fertilidad e iniciación en el conocimiento en los pueblos llamados bárbaros, principalmente los chinos.
La magia...
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