honor y honra

Páginas: 12 (2837 palabras) Publicado: 21 de octubre de 2015
We saw that honor in the comedia had more to do with reputation, public opinion, and appearances, than with any notion of merit or value. We learned that honor "belongs" to men, who might lose it through the actions of the women for whom they are responsible. We noted that honor becomes an obsession more in terms of its loss than in terms of its acquisition. Honor, in this sense, resembles oneof those competitions in which each participant begins with a perfect score -- which will then be irrevocably reduced with each error or slip as the event proceeds.
The obsession with honor in Golden Age life and literature was not limited to questions of conjugal honor, and this generalized obsession with honor of any sort is also a major characteristic of the comedia as a genre. Non-conjugalaspects of honor in the comedia have been studied extensively, though generally outside the context of the "honor play." A character's reputation could be damaged by the actions of his wife, sister, daughter, and even mother, but it could also be irreparably damaged by a mentís, or an accusation of cowardice, or the suspicion of impure blood or otherwise tainted ancestry. A character's position in thesocial hierarchy guaranteed him a measure of honor that established his privileges over those of lower rank, and any action that undermined such privileges constituted an agravio de honra. Those who found themselves lowest on the social scale, the peasants, based their own claim to honor on the assumption that peasant blood was pure by definition.
In El burlador de Sevilla don Juan moves and sinsin a society not very different from the one we observed in Las mocedades del Cid: a society ruled by old men who are concerned primarily with their reputations, a world in which young men and women find themselves caught between love and the rules of honor. The obsession of old men with honor is not limited to nobles but extends into the peasant world with Gaseno, who believes that don Juan willmarry his daughter and make her noble.
While don Juan himself seems singularly unpreoccupied with honor in any conventional sense, it is the other characters' preocupation with honor over and above morality that allows don Juan's escapades to continue unchecked. Don Juan's treachery is discovered at the very beginning of the play, but a trio of old men --his uncle, his father, and the King ofCastilla-- protect and even reward don Juan in the name of the honor of the Tenorios. Their actions produce additional --though only temporary-- victims: Octavio, who is made the scapegoat for the seduction of Isabela, and Mota, who is blamed for don Gonzalo's death. The King continues to protect don Juan until the play's very last scene, even making him a Count so Isabela will lose nothing bymarrying him.

Don Juan's sins against God are also sins against honor --and he is adept at manipulating the honor of others, kings and peasants alike.
El Burlador de Sevilla, es una obra que nos resalta la importancia de la justicia y el honor en la vida de las personas. Sin la justicia la vida no tuviera un orden y todas las personas hicieran lo que les diera la gana aunque le causen dañoa los demás y sin el honor las personas no tuviéramos valor alguno porque es este el que nos hace sentir valiosos. Es por eso que la justicia siempre lucha a favor del honor en esta obra.
La obra comienza cuando Don Juan que vivía en Nápoles acababa de seducir a la duquesa Isabela, quitándole su honor y a la vez burlándose de se amigo el duque Octavio ya que Don Juan se hizopasar por él. Don Pedro Tenorio, tío de Don Juan es el embajador de España y recibe ordenes del rey de arrestar al culpable del deshonor de Isabela. Don Juan le confiesa ser el culpable y furioso Don Pedro le dice que le va a dar muerte pero Don Juan responde que estaba rendido a sus pies y que esta era su espada, gesto que conmovió a Don Pedro y lo ayuda a huir. Después Don Pedro le dice al rey...
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