Hospitality University

Páginas: 2 (483 palabras) Publicado: 5 de octubre de 2012
Urquillos Valley is located in the District of Huayllabamba, province of Urubamba and Cusco Department.
Urquillos community is located at an altitude of 2865m.s.n.m.
Etymologically Urquillos derives from the Ayacucho´s Quechua "Urco" meaning front. In the time of the Incas, Urquillos was called Urcosbamba or Urcos. Besides, Urquillos was the capital ofHuayllabamba, which fulfilled the function of managing crop products such as white corn, potatoes, wheat, etc. which are grown throughout the Valley.

Urquillos Valley, as part of theSacred Valley has a temperate climate, making this a perfect place for agriculture, which is why it is known as the world capital of white corn amelacio (Zea Mays L. ssp. amelacio.).
In Inca times washighly preferred by Inca rulers by the pleasant climate, geographic beauty of the good quality of products

They are located to the south of Urquillos Valley, on the route of the Inca trail between the District of Chinchero and Urquillos.
Etymologically, Qolqanpata is composed of twoQuechua terms:
Qolqa: Warehouse, Warehouse.
Pata: Anden.

Inca Terraces.
They are located in the same Urquillos valley and are 7 terraces, which were built by the Inca Tupac Yupanqui.
The heightof each wall ranges from 2 to 3 meters.

Inca Trail (Chinchero-Urquillos).
Formerly this road was part of the terrestrial communication system of the empire, which connected the community with othertows such as:Yucay, Chinchero, Cusco, etc. This road passes exactly through the archaeological site of Qolqanpata and the Urquillos Canyon.

Urquillos community has four important farms,which are seated on Inca walls. These farms were in charge of the lands that are located between the community of Huycho and the District of Huayllabanba. The agricultural products produced in this...
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