How To Handle Some Situations At Work

Páginas: 5 (1211 palabras) Publicado: 5 de junio de 2012
1. Why is the worker who says, ‘’you have to give me overtime’’ acting inappropriately?
Because the boss is the authority, if he decided not to give him overtime that’s what’s going to happen, as he is the employee he has to submit to him.

2. What kind of answer is your boss expecting when he asks you, ‘’how many times do I have to tell you to get back from lunch on time?’’
My boss would beexpecting something like: You are right boss, I know the last few days I haven’t been back from lunch on time, I am really sorry, it won’t happen again.

3. What reaction might your friends show if you told them you don’t want to talk about why you are not getting your work done? What would your boss’s reaction be?
Well my friends would have a bad reaction because they always want me to tellthem everything. My boss would get angry, because all I have to do is to get my work done, and if I don’t even want to give an explanation to my boss that would be disrespectful and probably I’d get fired.

4. Under what circumstances are employees usually willing to stay late and do extra work?
Many people stay late at work because they need more money than they earn, or when they’ve beenaccumulating to much work and have to get it all done for a specific date, so they have to stay late working to finish it.

5. Imagine that you co-workers are asking you whether you would like to join them for a farewell party for one of the other employees. What impression will you make if you turn down their invitation by simply saying ‘’NO” and something more?
Everybody has the right of saying NO,and that would make a bad impression, but we cannot always make happy everyone. Also it depends on the tone or way you say NO, a good excuse would be persuasive and speaking nicely as well.

6. Why is it inappropriate for a supervisor to criticize his or her employees for the kind of clothes they are wearing at the beach? Would the situation be different if it involved a beach party sponsored(given) by the company?
Of course the situation would be different, because if it’s something sponsored by the company, the supervisor would check that everybody is wearing their beach clothes.
 Your co-workers invite you to go to lunch with them. You have known most of them for a long time, and you are good friends with them. You have only five dollars in your wallet, not enough to pay forlunch at the restaurant they are suggesting. How would you handle situation?
If they’ve been my friends for a long time, I’ll say with confidence that I cannot afford it and I better buy something cheaper at another restaurant.

 Your boss has asked you if he can borrow your calculator for a few minutes, so that he can balance his checkbook. You loan him your calculator, but your boss has notreturned it by the time you are ready to go home. How would you handle the situation?
That would be awkward, because it’s my boss, anyway, I’d come up to him respectfully and tell him if he still needs it he can keep it and give it to me the next day, if he’s not using it anymore I assume he’d say ‘’oh take it, I already finished”.

 You are trying to get some important work done, but the otherpeople in the office are making so much noise, laughing and telling jokes and that’s very difficult for you to concentrate. How would you handle the situation?
I think the right thing would be to call the supervisor and explain to him the situation. Probably my co-workers will hate for calling the supervisor to shut them up. After all, the most important thing is to get my work done.

 A youngwoman who works for you has come to work late five days in a row. You do not know what her problem is. How would you handle the situation?
I’d call her aside and ask her what her problem is, why she’s been late, how I can help her, give her some advices and so forth.

 One of you co-workers is telling you: ‘’Boy I don’t know what to do I gained five pounds last week. I’m getting fatter by...
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