
Páginas: 4 (764 palabras) Publicado: 6 de noviembre de 2010
September, 2010

Exercises to do in class:

1) Add the appropriate indefinite article to the words listed below.

_____    banana            _____    tourist            _____    cart_____    wheel              _____    margin           _____    artist
_____    office              _____    orange           _____    doorman
_____    chair               _____    image             _____   jail
_____    boat                _____    partner           _____    index
_____    effect              _____    umbrella         _____    hair
_____    otter                _____   dollar             _____    record
_____    classroom       _____    election          _____    queen
_____    inch                _____    animal            _____    email
_____    angel               _____   wagon           _____    piano

2) In the following sentences, write the appropriate article (definite or indefinite) in the blanks.

1.    It was ________ spectacular weekend to go camping with________ family.
2.    When he inspected ________ truck, Jim found that it needed _________ oil change.
3.    ________ boys are to buy ________ video game and ________ movie for _________ party.
4.   She will take _________ vacation on _________ last day of _________ month.
5.    They want to see ________ play, eat in _________ fancy restaurant, and tour _________ Empire State Building when theyvisit New York City.
6.    Do you know _________ phone number for ___________ new theatre in town?
7.    _________ crowd had gathered at _________ scene of _________ accident.
8.    This is________ same person who showed me how to bait _________ hook, tie _________ reef knot, and find _________ best fishing hole.
9.    _________ show was promoted as ________ best performance of ________ year.10.    He did _________ balancing act with _________ company accounts to hide_________ many errors he had made.

Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns...
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